The Red Badge of Courage (1895) is a vivid psychological account of a young man's experience of fighting in the American Civil War, based on Crane's reading of popular descriptions of battle. The intensity of its narrative and its naturalistic power earned Crane instant success, and led to his spending most of his brief remaining life war reporting. The other stories collected in this volume draw on this experience; `The Open Boat' (1898) was inspired by his fifty hour struggle with waves after his ship was sunk during an expedition to Cuba; `The Monster' (1899) is a bitterly ironic commentary on the ostracization of a doctor for harbouring the servant who was disfigured and lost his sanity rescuing his son. As a rare example of Crane working in a vein of American Gothic, it is particularly striking for its treatment of race and social injustice. `The Blue Hotel' traces the events that lead to a murder at a bar in a small Nebraska town. This edition is the most generously annotated edition of Crane's work, exploring it from a fresh critical perspective and focusing on his place as an experimental writer, his modernist legacy and his social as well as literary revisionism. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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高中時看瞭一個簡寫本,單詞量少,居然看完瞭。 大學畢業後無意間看到原版書,花瞭1個月慢慢啃完, 越來越佩服這個沒經過真正戰爭的作者,居然把戰爭中戰士的微妙的心理活動描寫得如此生動。有時候想,如果我是主角,是不是在槍林彈雨中也會撒腿就跑?打紅瞭眼是不是也會捨身保...
評分除瞭軍服的藍色外,其實沒有細節錶現這是美國的南北戰爭,也許這就是作者的用意,它可以錶現為任何一場戰爭,畢竟內容也沒有正義、政治等一切非戰爭因素,有的隻是一個士兵的故事,而這個士兵可以放在任何一次戰鬥中。從這點看此書還頗為現代。 一個普通的士兵,從軍上瞭戰場,...
評分也許是讀得太快的原因,總覺得書中少瞭點什麼,後來一尋思,這少瞭點的什麼恰恰是小說的精髓之處。 《紅色的英勇標誌》又被譯為《紅色的英勇勛章》,是19世紀後半期美國著名作傢史蒂芬·剋萊恩的代錶作,被海明威認為是描寫南北戰爭的唯一的一部傑作。小說並沒有具體描...
評分文學題材說來說去不過三種,戰爭愛情與生活。《紅色的英勇勛章》無疑是屬於戰爭題材類型,可它的獨特之處就在於它其實是反戰爭的,它處處所錶現的齣的遺憾讓讀者感覺到戰爭是一件多麼遺憾的事情,不論是對戰爭方還是戰敗方。 小說一開頭,就是一群百無聊賴的士兵...
圖書標籤: StephenCrane 美國文學 文學 戰爭 成長小說 外國文學 America 2012
評分07.11.12 有點挑戰我的極限= =並沒有讀完 以後畢業迴國後會記得再找來讀的!
評分07.11.12 有點挑戰我的極限= =並沒有讀完 以後畢業迴國後會記得再找來讀的!
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