愛德華多·加萊亞諾(Eduardo Hughes Galeano),男,1940年生,烏拉圭記者、作傢和小說傢,生於濛得維的亞,14歲時創作的政治漫畫被報刊采用,先後擔任過周刊、日報的記者、編輯、主編。1973年烏拉圭發生軍事政變後入獄。曾流亡12年並被列入阿根廷軍事政權的死亡名單。其作品已被翻譯為超過20種語言。著有《火的記憶》(1986)和《拉丁美洲被切開的血管》(1971)。2010年榮獲斯蒂格·達格曼奬。
Since its U.S. debut a quarter-century ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural narrative of the highest quality, and perhaps the finest description of primitive capital accumulation since Marx.Rather than chronology, geography, or political successions, Eduardo Galeano has organized the various facets of Latin American history according to the patterns of five centuries of exploitation. Thus he is concerned with gold and silver, cacao and cotton, rubber and coffee, fruit, hides and wool, petroleum, iron, nickel, manganese, copper, aluminum ore, nitrates, and tin. These are the veins which he traces through the body of the entire continent, up to the Rio Grande and throughout the Caribbean, and all the way to their open ends where they empty into the coffers of wealth in the United States and Europe.Weaving fact and imagery into a rich tapestry, Galeano fuses scientific analysis with the passions of a plundered and suffering people. An immense gathering of materials is framed with a vigorous style that never falters in its command of themes. All readers interested in great historical, economic, political, and social writing will find a singular analytical achievement, and an overwhelming narrative that makes history speak, unforgettably.This classic is now further honored by Isabel Allendeas inspiring introduction. Universally recognized as one of the most important writers of our time, Allende once again contributes her talents to literature, to political principles, and to enlightenment.
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能看到這本書的原因是看完美劇《毒梟》,對拉美國傢政府在大毒梟麵前如此無力的原因産生瞭興趣,進而順藤摸瓜,找到瞭《血管》。看到有的書友說它很左,我認為無所謂左右,因為真相永遠是中立客官的。 作者是新聞記者齣身,寫作風格環環相扣,感情真摯,讀起來沒有啃社會學學術...
評分這本書彆的方麵大多看過 基本上很像依附理論 不過 裏麵談到拉美落後是因為人口太少的問題 實在很囧。 作者大談拉美落後緣故之一是因為新教徒的傳教士們在拉美大量發放避孕套 並宣傳少生育..造成大量田地荒蕪 人口大量餓死 囧死瞭 作者對拉美開齣的藥方是拉美搞國有化,還提...
評分能看到這本書的原因是看完美劇《毒梟》,對拉美國傢政府在大毒梟麵前如此無力的原因産生瞭興趣,進而順藤摸瓜,找到瞭《血管》。看到有的書友說它很左,我認為無所謂左右,因為真相永遠是中立客官的。 作者是新聞記者齣身,寫作風格環環相扣,感情真摯,讀起來沒有啃社會學學術...
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