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Futures Past


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Widely considered to be the most important German intellectual historian of the postwar period, Reinhart Koselleck has had a profound influence on contemporary historiography. With a new, interpretive introduction by the translator, this revised and corrected edition of Koselleck's most acclaimed work is once again available in English.With the advent of modernity in the late eighteenth-century every aspect of human life was radically transformed, including the experience of time. As the ever-accelerating pace of the modern world left people with briefer intervals of time in which to gather new experiences and adapt to social and technological changes, the demands that were placed on the future correspondingly increased. The promises of modernity -- freedom, progress, opportunity -- began to produce expectations and hopes that broke free of the present and projected utopian visions of unbounded possibility onto the future. In this provocative and erudite book, Koselleck explores the shifting perceptions and conceptions of historical time that have emerged over the past two centuries. Relying on an extraordinary array of witnesses and texts -- from politicians, philosophers, theologians, and poets to proverbs, lexica, Renaissance paintings, and the dreams of German citizens during the Third Reich -- Koselleck argues that the past and the future have become "relocated" in relation to each other, and that "history" has emerged as a new kind of temporality with distinct characteristics and ways of assimilating experience.Chronological time is generally tied to social and political actions, to the concrete experiences of human beings. Yet in reality historical events and epochsintermingle and overlap, transcending strict temporal distinctions that can be derived from physical or astronomical phenomena. In the present context of globalization -- where many cultures and perceptions become superimposed upon one another -- the modern world faces not only temporal acceleration but also historical disorientation. Koselleck believes that any given present is simultaneously a "former future" that was once defined by specific terms and ideas. By analyzing the semantics of historical time, Koselleck brings into focus the far-reaching impact that conceptions of time have on social organization, revealing that human history results as much from structure of temporal experience as from the contingencies of uncontrollable events.

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In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...


In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...


In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...


In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...


In the preface of Futures Past, Koselleck indicates that the aim of these essays is to deal with “the relation of a given past to a given future” through different times in history. This review will try to articulate Koselleck’s central idea of “histori...

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出版者:Columbia University Press
作者:Koselleck, Reinhart/ Tribe, Keith (TRN)
譯者:Keith Tribe

圖書標籤: 思想史  Koselleck  概念史  史學理論與方法  時間  觀念史  社科/曆史/政治  曆史學   

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