Roy Stuart 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 摄影 先锋 XXX @Photographie =j=
This is a large-format hardcover edition at a special bestseller price. "Animal sexuality differs from eroticism in that human sexuality is limited by taboos and the domain of eroticism is that of the transgression of these taboos" is how Georges Bataille explains eroticism. Casting a new light on that most human of acts, Roy Stuart presents us here with a book of erotic power rarely seen. The brilliant technique and skillful presentation of his videos and stills present sexuality directly and without prudery. They have earned this Paris based American a reputation as a grandmaster of the erotic camera. Stuart's photos and glimpse videos have acquired cult status even amongst experienced hardcore fans, and with good reason, for they represent an exquisite representation of the forbidden. In turns voyeuristic, in turns narrative, his pictures with their disarming explicitness subvert traditional moral codes and force the viewer to reevaluate his or her preconceived notions of sexuality. The photographs assembled in this book, which in another context might have been condemned, instead give a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of Roy Stuart's magical theatre of transgression and taboo.
Roy Stuart 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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