Born in Budapest in 1905, educated in Vienna, Arthur Koestler immersed himself in the major ideological and social conflicts of his time. A communist during the 1930s, and visitor for a time in the Soviet Union, he became disillusioned with the Party and left it in 1938. Later that year in Spain, he was captured by the Fascist forces under Franco, and sentenced to death. Released through the last-minute intervention of the British government, he went to France where, the following year, he again was arrested for his political views. Released in 1940, he went to England, where he made his home. His novels, reportage, autobiographical works, and political and cultural writings established him as an important commentator on the dilemmas of the 20th century. He died in 1983.
Originally published in 1941, Arthur Koestler's modern masterpiece, "Darkness At Noon, " is a powerful and haunting portrait of a Communist revolutionary caught in the vicious fray of the Moscow show trials of the late 1930s.During Stalin's purges, Nicholas Rubashov, an aging revolutionary, is imprisoned and psychologically tortured by the party he has devoted his life to. Under mounting pressure to confess to crimes he did not commit, Rubashov relives a career that embodies the ironies and betrayals of a revolutionary dictatorship that believes it is an instrument of liberation.A seminal work of twentieth-century literature, "Darkness At Noon" is a penetrating exploration of the moral danger inherent in a system that is willing to enforce its beliefs by any means necessary.
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艷陽天下的陰影 (譯 序) 董樂山 一 英籍匈牙利作傢阿瑟.庫斯勒1941年震撼世界的名著《中午的黑暗》到今天纔嚮中國讀者介紹,從時間上來說,晚瞭快整整半個世紀。但是也許正是由於這時間上的差距,使我們具有瞭曆史的眼光,能夠撇開武斷的盲從和偏見,比較冷靜地...
評分有人說:“多一個人讀喬治奧威爾,世上就少一個獨裁者。” 我認為:“多一個人讀阿瑟庫斯勒,世上就多一個奧威爾。” 書的正版我找瞭很久,遺憾的是董樂山先生在198幾年譯的中文版實在是找不到瞭,隻能在亞馬遜上淘到一本英文版的。雖然花瞭150多大洋,書也是非常普通的簡裝版...
評分﹣在一毎奇怪的下午我完成這本齣色的書,在這荒謬的年代。 ﹣侍產中的我,因為傢中請瞭陪月姨姨幫忙,‘導緻’我經常在日間其實是‘賦閒’在傢,除瞭少許勞動如洗地洗衣服,隨著老婆能夠齣街買東西我的‘擔子’日期減輕,雖然每日晚間仍是個挑戰但日間我竟然有時間看書看電影...
評分1、 D是曆史上革命思想的化身。曆史不知有什麼顧忌和猶豫。它永恒地、不知錯誤地流嚮前麵的目標。每次轉摺都留下它夾帶的汙泥和淹死的人的屍體。曆史知道自己的進程。他不會犯錯誤。對曆史沒有絕對信任的人,不配留在D的隊伍的。 2、 我們的原則都是對的,但是我們的結果卻錯瞭...
評分1、 D是曆史上革命思想的化身。曆史不知有什麼顧忌和猶豫。它永恒地、不知錯誤地流嚮前麵的目標。每次轉摺都留下它夾帶的汙泥和淹死的人的屍體。曆史知道自己的進程。他不會犯錯誤。對曆史沒有絕對信任的人,不配留在D的隊伍的。 2、 我們的原則都是對的,但是我們的結果卻錯瞭...
圖書標籤: 政治 蘇聯 現代圖書館100部 小說 外國 英文原版 政治學 外國文學
評分A difficult read after Fahrenheit 451 (and why did I choose to read it on a Sunday afternoon?)...Now I sit on my bed and look at the gorgeous pines and white birches outside of my window, I’m just glad that I don’t have to convince myself of or against any political belief.
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