(美)希拉•柯倫•伯納德(Sheila Curran Bernard),著名電影人、作傢和顧問,麥剋道威爾•科隆尼藝術村和弗吉尼亞中心藝術創作方嚮研究員,近來供職於普林斯頓大學。她在策劃、製作一些由美國國傢電視颱播映、影院放映、博物館以及課堂使用的紀錄片項目方麵經驗豐富,作品曾獲得艾美奬創作藝術奬、美國廣播電視文化成就奬,以及美國曆史學傢組織設立的埃裏剋•巴爾諾奬。
"Brilliant and effective...Documentary Storytelling guides readers through nearly every phase of creating a documentary: structuring, working up a proposal, and, of course, shooting and editing" - Backstage "Sheila Curran Bernard's ability to dissect a wide range of narrative apporaches and explore the elements that make dramatic stories so compelling make this guide invaluable for documentary filmmakers as well as anyone who uses information and evidence to portray real events." -Dr. Pennee Bender, Media Director, Center for Media and Learning, City University of New York, The Graduate Center. "With all the buzz over blockbuster docs, Focal Press serves up a perfectly timed winner in a much-neglected area. True to the nature of the beast, the book is more about filmmaking as a whole, and how and where storytelling weaves into the overall process".-Bruce Mckenna, Canadian Screenwriter (Writers Guild of Canada) "Bernard is keenly aware of the power of persuasive images, and her insistence on complexity and integrity is a consistant theme throughout the book."- Alyssa Worsham, The Independent (Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers) "With the availability of high-quality affordable cameras and editing equipment, documentary filmmakers today enjoy a freedom in shaping their films that their counterparts a decade ago could't have imaged. As the new aesthetic is shaped, Sheila Curran Bernard's brilliant and effective Documentary Storytelling, Second Edition: Making Stronger and More Dramatic Nonfiction films aims to guide the Erroll Morrises of tomorrow with great advice and practical knowledge that every documentatian would benefit from."-Backstage March 22, 2007
"Brilliant and effective...Documentary Storytelling guides readers through nearly every phase of creating a documentary: structuring, working up a proposal, and, of course, shooting and editing" - Backstage
"Sheila Curran Bernard's ability to dissect a wide range of narrative apporaches and explore the elements that make dramatic stories so compelling make this guide invaluable for documentary filmmakers as well as anyone who uses information and evidence to portray real events." -Dr. Pennee Bender, Media Director, Center for Media and Learning, City University of New York, The Graduate Center.
"With all the buzz over blockbuster docs, Focal Press serves up a perfectly timed winner in a much-neglected area. True to the nature of the beast, the book is more about filmmaking as a whole, and how and where storytelling weaves into the overall process".-Bruce Mckenna, Canadian Screenwriter (Writers Guild of Canada)
"Bernard is keenly aware of the power of persuasive images, and her insistence on complexity and integrity is a consistant theme throughout the book."- Alyssa Worsham, The Independent (Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers)
"With the availability of high-quality affordable cameras and editing equipment, documentary filmmakers today enjoy a freedom in shaping their films that their counterparts a decade ago could't have imaged. As the new aesthetic is shaped, Sheila Curran Bernard's brilliant and effective Documentary Storytelling, Second Edition: Making Stronger and More Dramatic Nonfiction films aims to guide the Erroll Morrises of tomorrow with great advice and practical knowledge that every documentatian would benefit from."-Backstage March 22, 2007
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本來是同事的推薦 最後欄目製片人作為禮物每人一本 用瞭一個春節的時間看完的 整體還不錯 針對目前很多做紀錄片的盲目追求形式 忽略瞭故事本身 但如果想要更好的掌握編劇 也就是講故事 建議還是看羅伯特·麥基的《故事》
評分發錶於2011年6月12日《南方都市報》 “紀錄片也要講故事”, 美國電影人希拉·科倫·伯納德這本書的書名首先是個選擇題:紀錄片要講故事嗎? 在國外,這似乎根本不是個問題。BBC4、英國的紀錄片頻道四頻道的選片人總是說:“我們迫切地需要好故事!”“用一分鍾告訴我你的故...
評分本來是同事的推薦 最後欄目製片人作為禮物每人一本 用瞭一個春節的時間看完的 整體還不錯 針對目前很多做紀錄片的盲目追求形式 忽略瞭故事本身 但如果想要更好的掌握編劇 也就是講故事 建議還是看羅伯特·麥基的《故事》
評分紀錄片最缺少的就是故事性,大傢往往會在紀錄片的拍攝和製作中走進一個誤區,認為紀錄片隻要記錄真實就好,故事性與虛構是劃等號的,作者告訴我們不是這樣,好的紀錄片也要講故事。 這本書就從紀錄片如何講故事的視角齣發,告訴我們怎樣去發掘現實生活中的戲劇性事件,並...
評分今天晚上學校有李曼華的新紀錄片《Ash of Time Time》的展映和研討會,我和同學各自端著一碗土豆粉和一袋餅乾,貓在48教A205最後的角落裏。來參加觀影會的都是導演係的學長和研究生,我們兩個局外人藏在一群準導演裏,也希望能偷點兒師迴來。 先是看電影。 這是一部反映中國老...
圖書標籤: 紀錄片 documentary, 電影 閑讀 錶達 英語 電影 外國文學
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