肯·丹西格(Ken Dancyger),从事编剧教学数十年,任教于纽约大学提斯克艺术学院,曾为广播及电视台编过多部戏剧节目与纪录片,并以资深剧本顾问的身份活跃于美国和整个欧亚地区,著有《广播剧写作》 (Broadcast Writing)、《全球化的剧本写作》(Global Scriptwriting)、《导演理念》(The Director’s Idea)、《电影与视频剪辑技术》(The Technique of Film and Video Editing)等。他的书理论与实践并重,是全世界电影教学课程的核心教材,已出版中文、葡萄牙语、意大利语、西班牙语等十四种译本。十八年来,他开办的编剧、后期工作室遍及南美洲、德国、新加坡等世界各地。
杰夫·拉什(Jeff Rush)美国天普大学电影及媒体艺术系教授、艺术硕士导师。除此之外,他也从事编剧工作,撰文及著作颇丰。
Alternative Scriptwriting, Fourth Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 编剧 电影 专业 p
Alternative Scriptwriting 4E is an insightful and inspiring book on screenwriting concerned with challenging you to take creative risks with genre, tone, character, and structure. Concerned with exploring alternative approaches beyond the traditional three-act structure, Alternative Scriptwriting first defines conventional approach, suggests alternatives, then provides case studies. These contemporary examples and case studies demonstrate what works, what doesn't, and why. Because the film industry as well as the public demand greater and greater creativity, one must go beyond the traditional three-act restorative and predictable plot to test your limits and break new creative ground. Rather than teaching writing in a tired formulaic manner, this book elevates the subject and provides inspiration to reach new creative heights.
Alternative Scriptwriting, Fourth Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书