Augustinus (354–430 CE), son of a pagan, Patricius of Tagaste in North Africa, and his Christian wife Monica, while studying in Africa to become a rhetorician, plunged into a turmoil of philosophical and psychological doubts in search of truth, joining for a time the Manichaean society. He became a teacher of grammar at Tagaste, and lived much under the influence of his mother and his friend Alypius. About 383 he went to Rome and soon after to Milan as a teacher of rhetoric, being now attracted by the philosophy of the Sceptics and of the Neo-Platonists. His studies of Paul’s letters with Alypius and the preaching of Bishop Ambrose led in 386 to his rejection of all sensual habits and to his famous conversion from mixed beliefs to Christianity. He returned to Tagaste and there founded a religious community. In 395 or 396 he became Bishop of Hippo, and was henceforth engrossed with duties, writing and controversy. He died at Hippo during the successful siege by the Vandals.
Loeb Classical Library 26
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我之前曾經讀過盧梭的《懺悔錄》,煌煌兩大本,追憶他精彩而又荒唐的一生。讀時纔知道,懺悔錄其實算是一種西方文學的體例,許多人都寫過《懺悔錄》,比較有名的還有托爾斯泰。當然,最有名的《懺悔錄》作者,當數古羅馬的奧古斯丁。 奧古斯丁是中世紀著名的神學傢,和托馬斯·...
評分我之前曾經讀過盧梭的《懺悔錄》,煌煌兩大本,追憶他精彩而又荒唐的一生。讀時纔知道,懺悔錄其實算是一種西方文學的體例,許多人都寫過《懺悔錄》,比較有名的還有托爾斯泰。當然,最有名的《懺悔錄》作者,當數古羅馬的奧古斯丁。 奧古斯丁是中世紀著名的神學傢,和托馬斯·...
評分麵對《懺悔錄》,所有的豪言壯語都顯得如此蒼白,最偉大的精神就是對自己的解剖,先哲如此,我們後學還有什麼可說的呢? 很少看一本書能有這樣的流暢感,那是一種閱讀的樂趣,現在又迴來瞭。 這是一部文學的自傳,這也是一部哲學的思辨,這還是一種宗教的虔誠。 從...
評分【作者】 黃瑞成 【關鍵詞】懺悔 不完全懺悔 完全懺悔 【齣版日期】2004-03-30 【摘要】文章從詞源學入手,分析瞭基督教信仰之核心內容的“懺悔”行動之理念與結構,進而研究瞭“完全懺悔”與“不完全懺悔”之區分,以及圍繞這個區分的神學論爭及其現代性後果。 【刊名】宗教學...
評分我之前曾經讀過盧梭的《懺悔錄》,煌煌兩大本,追憶他精彩而又荒唐的一生。讀時纔知道,懺悔錄其實算是一種西方文學的體例,許多人都寫過《懺悔錄》,比較有名的還有托爾斯泰。當然,最有名的《懺悔錄》作者,當數古羅馬的奧古斯丁。 奧古斯丁是中世紀著名的神學傢,和托馬斯·...
圖書標籤: Augustine 神學 宗教學 宗教 奧古斯丁 基督教
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