美国开创性的哲学家和心理学家。在芝加哥大学获得哲学博士学位,并自1963年-1995年在那里任教。因为对发展心理治疗实践所做出的贡献,他曾三次荣膺由美国心理协会(APA)授予的称号。他是美国心理协会临床部心理学杂志《心理疗法:理论、研究和实践》(Psychotherapy:Theory,Research and Practice)的创刊者和编辑。他的著作《聚焦心理》(Focusing)一书的销售量已超过50万册,并被翻译成18种语言。他的其他著作还包括:Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams,Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy,Experiencing and the Creation ofMeaning.Language BeyondPost-Modernism:Saying and Thinking in Gendlin's Philosophy(David Levin主编),AProcessModel。他还发表了大量的文章。完整的书目和文章可于此网址获取:www.focusing.org/gendlin/.
Focusing 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
开创性大作,要言不烦,直达核心。涉及实行部分,又十分周全。这是一本小书,又是一本大书。这是一本旧作,又是一本新著,原著出版至今将近四十年,依然还在不断透入心理治疗及其他领域,重启个人对生命的认识(不,认识这个词不适合,姑且用“体悟”吧)。 涉及翻译,focusing...
评分了解聚焦、接近聚焦,用了一段时间。所以阅读这本书的时候,很多内容已经知晓。 很欣赏聚焦这种方式所传达的核心理念,对人的尊重,对感受和觉察的重视,回到自己的身体,与身体联结的同时,也是与自己生命感受的联结。生命是有它自己的轨迹,身体的很多感受就是个体生命状态...
评分这不是一本用来“读”的书,而是“做”的指南。 聚焦的六个步骤,如何实施,会遇到什么困难,如何解决,这些内容占据了绝大部分篇幅。至于给聚焦打广告,就felt sense和聚焦来上一堂哲学、心理学、神经科学普及课,这样的事情能少就少。 作者的意图,也许是希望读者能根据书...
评分作为一个催眠师,你先和自己连接,再和个案连接,这样他好像可以透过你的身体呼吸。 让你与个案的连接左右一切,引导一切。一定首先是身体的连接,意识或思维是不能连接的,意识和思维是孤独的片段,它会四处乱跑。 ——美国著名催眠治疗师斯蒂芬•吉里根 9月和10月,我两次...
评分图书标签: 心理学 读书 神秘 psychology meditation
The classic guide to a powerful
technique for personal transformation
Based on groundbreaking research conducted at the University of Chicago, the focusing technique has gained widespread popularity and scholarly acclaim. It consists of six easy-to-master steps that identify and change the way thoughts and emotions are held within the body. Focusing can be done virtually anywhere, at any time, and an entire “session” can take no longer than ten minutes, but its effects can be felt immediately–in the relief of bodily tension and psychological stress, as well as in dramatic shifts in understanding and insight.
In this highly accessible guide, Dr. Eugene Gendlin, the award-winning psychologist who developed the focusing technique, explains the basic principles behind focusing and offers simple step-by-step instructions on how to utilize this powerful tool for tapping into greater self-awareness and inner wisdom. As you learn to develop your natural ability to “focus,” you’ll find yourself more in sync with both mind and body, filled with greater self-assurance, and better equipped to make the positive changes necessary to improve and enhance every aspect of your life.
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