John Williams (1922–1994) was born and raised in northeast Texas. Despite a talent for writing and acting, Williams flunked out of a local junior college after his first year. He reluctantly joined the war effort, enlisting in the Army Air Corps, and managed to write a draft of his first novel while there. Once home, Williams found a small publisher for the novel and enrolled at the University of Denver, where he was eventually to receive both his B.A. and M.A., and where he was to return as an instructor in 1954.
He remained on the staff of the creative writing program at the University of Denver until his retirement in 1985. During these years, he was an active guest lecturer and writer, editing an anthology of English Renaissance poetry and publishing two volumes of his own poems, as well as three novels, Butcher’s Crossing, Stoner, and the National Book Award–winning Augustus (all published as NYRB Classics).
Daniel Mendelsohn was born in 1960 and studied classics at the University of Virginia and at Princeton, where he received his doctorate. His essays and reviews appear regularly in The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, and The New York Times Book Review. His books include The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million; a memoir, The Elusive Embrace; and the collection Waiting for the Barbarians: Essays from the Classics to Pop Culture, published by New York Review Books. He teaches at Bard College. His essay in the September 25, 2014 issue will appear as the introduction to a new translation of The Bacchae by Robin Robertson, to be published in September by Ecco.
In Augustus, his third great novel, John Williams took on an entirely new challenge, a historical narrative set in classical Rome, exploring the life of the founder of the Roman Empire. To tell the story, Williams turned to the epistolary novel, a genre that was new to him, transforming and transcending it just as he did the western in Butcher’s Crossing and the campus novel in Stoner. Augustus is the final triumph of a writer who has come to be recognized around the world as an American master.
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by 榖立立 約翰·威廉斯的一生貫穿著同一個關鍵詞:拒絕。終其一生,他拒絕被定義、被歸類,拒絕成為公眾矚目的文化明星,拒絕循規蹈矩地做傳道授業的文學教授,隻願我行我素、我手寫我心地詮釋一位真正作傢的本色。這倒不是說他一生庸庸碌碌、無所作為。事實上,他在文學上的...
評分我的命運是改變世界,但時間會毀掉羅馬 趙鬆 距今2062年前,即公元前44年的3月15日,羅馬共和國發生瞭一件影響深遠的大事件——終身獨裁官尤利烏斯·凱撒在元老院遇刺身亡。隨後齣現的,卻並非刺殺凱撒的那些貴族共和派所宣稱的“自由”,而是羅馬陷入瞭無政府狀態的可怕動亂。...
評分我承認,在閱讀本書之前,我並不知道約翰‧威廉斯這位作傢,他一生的作品不多,都是我不感興趣的。而這部《奧古斯都》,則是偶然看到簡體版的譯者鄭遠濤先生的介紹時,方纔知道有此優秀的作品存在。 《奧古斯都》正如其名,是一部講述那位知名的羅馬“第一公民”屋大維一生的...
評分圖書標籤: JohnWilliams 曆史 小說 約翰·威廉斯 古羅馬 English 美國文學 文學
評分great style, deeply affecting (in an austere sort of way, true to its period), can't be praised more
評分2.作者在小說中所錶現的對細節的恢復:計時飲食等 3.呼應是否過於刻意?
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