A practical guide to understanding LLVM with the help of source code references and snippets, insights on how compiler stages connect to each other, descriptions of important data structures, and examples of how to use the tools provided by LLVM. Some topics are explained with compelling hands-on examples that you are encouraged to try out.
This book is intended for enthusiasts, computer science students, and compiler engineers interested in learning about the LLVM framework. You need a background in C++ and, although not mandatory, should know at least some compiler theory. Whether you are a newcomer or a compiler expert, this book provides a practical introduction to LLVM and avoids complex scenarios. If you are interested enough and excited about this technology, then this book is definitely for you.
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A practical guide to understanding LLVM with the help of source code references and snippets, insights on how compiler stages connect to each other, descriptions of important data structures, and examples of how to use the tools provided by LLVM. Some topic...
評分A practical guide to understanding LLVM with the help of source code references and snippets, insights on how compiler stages connect to each other, descriptions of important data structures, and examples of how to use the tools provided by LLVM. Some topic...
評分A practical guide to understanding LLVM with the help of source code references and snippets, insights on how compiler stages connect to each other, descriptions of important data structures, and examples of how to use the tools provided by LLVM. Some topic...
評分A practical guide to understanding LLVM with the help of source code references and snippets, insights on how compiler stages connect to each other, descriptions of important data structures, and examples of how to use the tools provided by LLVM. Some topic...
評分A practical guide to understanding LLVM with the help of source code references and snippets, insights on how compiler stages connect to each other, descriptions of important data structures, and examples of how to use the tools provided by LLVM. Some topic...
圖書標籤: 編譯器 llvm LLVM 編譯原理 計算機 complier C++ 計算機科學
概念性介紹非常全麵細緻,但示例過於簡單,真寫代碼時還是得刨源碼 :S
評分LLVM是我見過的最繁瑣的一套工具瞭,這本書安裝就相當麻煩,比較推薦的是去下載作者提供的docker來做實驗,這本書對LLVM的各個方麵都做瞭不同程度的介紹包括frontend, IR, backend還有JIT, 但是都非常淺,也沒有足夠多的測試, 這幾點都比較失望, 但是考慮到隻有這一本比較係統的LLVM書, 還是可以入門看一下的。 個人推薦學好C++以後直接去寫一門語言入門LLVM,比如去看 https://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/MyFirstLanguageFrontend/index.html 整體上來說都可以跑通,但是部分章節代碼也變瞭,建議上github上麵fo最新版(字數不夠瞭。。。)
評分今晚剛看完,概念介紹的很細緻,從安裝部分等甚至都是手把手的教,並且對LLVM(包括Clang)等整個體係都有介紹,並且很有意思的加入瞭clang analyzer,非常適閤有編譯基礎的LLVM初學者,但是靠這本書不能完成基於LLVM開發編譯器的目的。
Getting Started with LLVM Core Libraries 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載