William Deresiewicz was a professor at Yale until 2008. He is the author of the landmark essays “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education” and “Solitude and Leadership” and is a frequent speaker on campuses around the country. A contributing writer for The Nation and a contributing editor for The New Republic and The American Scholar, he is the author of A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter.
A groundbreaking manifesto for people searching for the kind of insight on leading, thinking, and living that elite schools should be—but aren’t—providing.
As a professor at Yale, Bill Deresiewicz saw something that troubled him deeply. His students, some of the nation’s brightest minds, were adrift when it came to the big questions: how to think critically and creatively, and how to find a sense of purpose.
Excellent Sheep takes a sharp look at the high-pressure conveyor belt that begins with parents and counselors who demand perfect grades and culminates in the skewed applications Deresiewicz saw firsthand as a member of Yale’s admissions committee. As schools shift focus from the humanities to "practical" subjects like economics and computer science, students are losing the ability to think in innovative ways. Deresiewicz explains how college should be a time for self-discovery, when students can establish their own values and measures of success, so they can forge their own path. He addresses parents, students, educators, and anyone who's interested in the direction of American society, featuring quotes from real students and graduates he has corresponded with over the years, candidly exposing where the system is broken and clearly presenting solutions.
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“有一次,我去裏德學院一堂政治課上旁聽,我發現課堂上討論的質量非常高,對思維探索非常嚴肅,比常春藤學校不知好齣多少。這種人文學院不怎麼關注排名,不把自己視為職業培訓的場所,而這裏的四年,你可以暫時脫離現實,一心一意訓練自己的大腦,培養自己的價值觀。” 作者...
評分1 棍子 去年夏天,老婆第一次參加閨女的傢長會,迴來之後就著急上火,口腔潰瘍瞭好幾天。原來,一年級剛入學的時候,學校就測試瞭孩子們的識字水平,有的孩子一上來就過瞭10級,成瞭“識字大王”,而我們傢閨女連1級都沒過。 我大吃一驚:6歲就認識2000多個字啊,這得多聰明...
評分2014年七月,前耶魯大學教授威廉·德雷謝維奇(William Deresiewicz)在《新共和》上撰文“彆送你的孩子上常青藤:美國的頂尖學府把你的孩子變成僵屍”,引起轟動。此文網絡版據稱是《新共和》雜誌有史以來點擊率最高的文章。此文也在美國名校中引起瞭一係列的反思和反駁。 此...
評分 評分創造自我、認識是自我、培養獨立的思辨能力是每個傢庭教育的追求。但究竟應從何下手呢?大學又能夠提供什麼呢?以人文為中心、由敬業的教授主導的小班教學,就是博雅教育。 簡單來講,博雅教育追求的是學識本身,即一種純淨的求學理念,而非為瞭任何形式的實用性迴報。 一、...
圖書標籤: 教育 美國 精英教育 Education 高等教育 社會 思考 社會學
評分很容易在文章裏麵看齣作者自己也是受到瞭二元論的極大影響。本書讀起來很爽,有種聽高大上學府齣來的人吐槽自己身邊人無趣又無愛的暢快,但作者給齣的理想主義的答案並不能解決一部分人越來越不喜歡學習、希望短期內獲得大量迴報等問題。現代社會信息和知識獲取的方式便捷、成本超低,跟往昔缺乏信息的情況完全不同,事倍功半的結果是Multi Tasking也不奇怪。
評分Excellent book. I agree with the author that "learn to learn" and "finding yourself" are the most important things in college education and probably require a lot of years after college. An excellent sheep is still a sheep.
評分齣版當時就很轟動,想看瞭很久的書。Personal, incisive, thoughtful and bold. 和How to Raise an Adult 中對精英大學和學生,傢長的批判遙相呼應。美國高等教育的問題有很多書,看得越多,越可以對Elite大學祛魅。這本中尤其讓我覺得有意思的是從曆史變化角度的分析,對大學和教授的意義,和對幾種不同高等教育學校之間的比較。
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