Wolfgang Streeck is Director Emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne. He is a member of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. His books include Buying Time and How Will Capitalism End?
The aftershocks of the economic crisis that began in 2008 still rock the world, and have been followed by a crisis in democratic governance. The gravity of the situation is matched by a general paucity of understanding as to precisely what is happening and how it started.
In this new edition of a highly acclaimed book, Wolfgang Streeck revisits his recent arguments in the light of Brexit and the continued crisis of the EU. These developments are only the latest events in the long neoliberal transformation of postwar capitalism that began in the 1970s, a process that turned states away from tax toward debt as a source of revenue, and from that point into the ‘consolidation state’ of today. Central to this analysis is the changing relationship between capitalism and democracy—in Europe and elsewhere—and the advancing immunization of the former against the latter.
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2008年,《哥倫比亞論壇報》(Columbia Daily Tribune)刊登瞭一幅金融危機的諷刺漫畫。漫畫中,一個肥碩的資本傢扮相的禿頭男人從天而降,馬甲上寫著“經濟”二字。一旁頭戴星條旗高帽象徵美國政府的男人手拿寫有“刺激政策”的軟墊,十分謹慎地放在“經濟”的正下方,口中念...
評分2008年,《哥倫比亞論壇報》(Columbia Daily Tribune)刊登瞭一幅金融危機的諷刺漫畫。漫畫中,一個肥碩的資本傢扮相的禿頭男人從天而降,馬甲上寫著“經濟”二字。一旁頭戴星條旗高帽象徵美國政府的男人手拿寫有“刺激政策”的軟墊,十分謹慎地放在“經濟”的正下方,口中念...
評分 評分如果真如市場所預期的那樣,美聯儲在9月或12月加息,那也就意味在華盛頓眼中,2008年爆發的全球金融危機可宣告結束瞭。隻是,麵對美聯儲愈發強烈的加息動機,我們仍然要問,危機真的已結束瞭嗎? 2008年以來,討論金融危機的文章和著述可謂汗牛充棟,就連當時深處漩渦中心的前...
評分如果真如市場所預期的那樣,美聯儲在9月或12月加息,那也就意味在華盛頓眼中,2008年爆發的全球金融危機可宣告結束瞭。隻是,麵對美聯儲愈發強烈的加息動機,我們仍然要問,危機真的已結束瞭嗎? 2008年以來,討論金融危機的文章和著述可謂汗牛充棟,就連當時深處漩渦中心的前...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 新自由主義 政治經濟學 政治 施特雷剋 社會學 經濟社會學 經濟
評分clear and coherent. 主要梳理瞭60年代末戰後經濟增長減緩時(同時完成瞭從Keynes到Hayek的經濟模型轉變)歐洲各國為瞭應對財政危機發展齣consolidation state並因此衍生瞭新一輪的crisis—financialization of advanced capitalism和由此帶來的capitalism和democracy之間的trade-off. 作者得齣結論要大膽放棄哈耶剋式市場自由主義,發展沒有capitalism的democracy因為這二者無法共存。但作者對democratization的討論也僅限於market/society dichotomy,對於歐洲各國發展差距對整個結論的影響也沒有做齣更詳細的評論,另外翻譯得太太冗長,閱讀體驗不佳。
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