Ali Almossawi holds a Masters in Engineering Systems from MIT and a Masters in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He currently lives with his wife and daughter in San Francisco, where he works as a data visualization designer for Mozilla, while continuing to collaborate with his colleagues at the MIT Media Lab. Ali's work has appeared in publications such as Wired.
An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这是一本反面教材。 或者说错题集。 它不像一般逻辑书跟你讲亚里士多德、讲三段论、讲什么形式逻辑演绎法…… 它就是列出了一串普通人最常犯的逻辑错误给你看。 有些错误,如果没有被明确地指摘、分析出来,你可能都意识不到它们原来都是扯淡。 有些错误,你在生活中已经习以...
评分第一次写书评,如有不妥,还请指正。 本书内容精炼,字数少,可以说上来就是干货。用纯逻辑的态度来解读我们平时的行为和说话,颇有吾日三省吾身的感觉。 问题在于,平时的说话和行为动作都很快,能不能来得及用书中的逻辑知识来预先自省,这是个很大的问题。所以我说“吾日三...
评分电子版阅读时间:45分钟左右 评分:4/5 《神逻辑:为什么不讲道理的人总有理?》,2016年“大众最喜爱的50种图书”之一。这个title很吸引人,包括主副书名和它入选的榜单,出版社是新星,质量的保障啊。于是,果断入坑。 读完之后,窃以为这本书的形式大于内容: 1) 书名...
图书标签: 逻辑 reasoning 绘本 科普 philosophy 逻辑学 argument 社科
“A flawless compendium of flaws.” —Alice Roberts, PhD, anatomist, writer, and presenter of The Incredible Human Journey
The antidote to fuzzy thinking, with furry animals!
Have you read (or stumbled into) one too many irrational online debates? Ali Almossawi certainly had, so he wrote An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments! This handy guide is here to bring the internet age a much-needed dose of old-school logic (really old-school, a la Aristotle).
Here are cogent explanations of the straw man fallacy, the slippery slope argument, the ad hominem attack, and other common attempts at reasoning that actually fall short—plus a beautifully drawn menagerie of animals who (adorably) commit every logical faux pas. Rabbit thinks a strange light in the sky must be a UFO because no one can prove otherwise (the appeal to ignorance). And Lion doesn’t believe that gas emissions harm the planet because, if that were true, he wouldn’t like the result (the argument from consequences).
Once you learn to recognize these abuses of reason, they start to crop up everywhere from congressional debate to YouTube comments—which makes this geek-chic book a must for anyone in the habit of holding opinions.
cuteness and your daily fallacies
评分逻辑谬误大致分两类,形式谬误和非形式谬误;非形式谬误又衍生出一支障眼法(red herrings)。全书用一张漫画与一句注释的形式,描述了19种逻辑谬误。画风不讨喜,解说太简单。
An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书