羅布•坦普爾(Rob Temple),英國《電報》(Telegraph)專欄作傢,紀錄片《大英煩事多》(Very British Problems)節目編劇,開設人氣推特(Twitter)賬號@SoVeryBritish,有超400萬粉絲。
There's an epidemic sweeping the nation Symptoms include: *Acute embarrassment at the mere notion of 'making a fuss' *Extreme awkwardness when faced with any social greeting beyond a brisk handshake *An unhealthy preoccupation with meteorology Doctors have also reported several cases of unnecessary apologising, an obsessive interest in correct queuing etiquette and dramatic sighing in the presence of loud teenagers on public transport. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from VERY BRITISH PROBLEMS. VERY BRITISH PROBLEMS are highly contagious. There is no known cure. Rob Temple's hilarious new book reveals all the ways in which we are a nation of socially awkward but well-meaning oddballs, struggling to make it through every day without apologising to an inanimate object. Take comfort in misfortunes of others. You are not alone.
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Blue編輯 英國,作為英語世界裏的頭牌,給廣大國人的印象就是學英式英語必須按照英國的標準來。唯一在英語方麵能夠分庭抗禮的就是美國的美式英語。而英國曾經作為世界上最大的殖民帝國,擁有日不落帝國的稱號,影響瞭世界上很多國傢的文化。以至於現在我們在談到文化的劃分時都...
評分 評分讀羅布·坦普爾的《大英煩事多》,內心中想到的卻是“於我心有戚戚焉”這一句。何止是英倫三島的“土著們”有這樣的“英國病”呢?!在當今的世界裏,在科學技術發展日新月異、文化交流與溝通日復一日的今天,“英國病”早已成為瞭“世界病”,至少其中的大部分都是如此——比...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 英國 British 英文 有趣 Humour 文化 非虛構
評分It’s mildly amusing though parts of the contents I’ve read already from the author’s social media. I dare not say how British it is; the downside would be an enhancement for stereotypes to that country and the people. Consider it a fun read for chilling with self.
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