PATTI SMITH is the author of Just Kids, which won the National Book Award in 2010, and of five collections of poetry. Her seminal album Horses has been hailed as one of the top 100 albums of all time. In 2005, the French Ministry of Culture awarded Smith the title of Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres; she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.
M Train 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Patti Smith是我心中最纯粹的文艺青年(现在是老年了),这本书中她提到许多她热爱的艺术家和文艺作品,虽然是本散文集,但着实干货满满,在此边读边把一些看似有趣的作品名字记录下来,以后慢慢研究。 <The Beach Cafe> - Mohammed Mrabet
评分昨天坐地铁无聊时自己又感慨了一下:感觉人生真的就像一辆列车 一辆永不停息的列车 每个阶段总会有一部分人上车 也总会有一部分人下车 你不能因为你而去控制别人的上下车 每个人目的地不同 方向也不同 而上下车只是代表短暂的离别 车途后的联系也是另外一回事 而在上下车的每个...
评分 评分另一本是,三十三年梦。我想,人和书也是有际遇的。 这两本书,在书架上和其它未读书目间杂地列在一起,被我鬼使神差地同时开始阅读,惊诧其相似性之下,便顺理成章地缠绕在一起。 她们,我都不曾认识;她们各自都有更具才华更受好评的成名作,我都还不曾读。这两本,实际上是...
评分帕蒂•史密斯的书单列车 书打开,满载字词的列车启动。如果说,“写作的人就是列车长”,那么阅读的人就是旅客。读书是一场漫长的旅行。确实如此,阅读与旅行,书页踪迹与途中风景,具有某种同构性。阅读“朋克教母”帕蒂•史密斯的《时光列车》,脑海里不时会浮现这样的...
图书标签: PattiSmith 美国 帕蒂·史密斯 美国文学 随笔 英文原版 Patti_Smith 2015
M Train is a journey through eighteen "stations." It begins in the tiny Greenwich Village café where Smith goes every morning for black coffee, ruminates on the world as it is and the world as it was, and writes in her notebook. We then travel, through prose that shifts fluidly between dreams and reality, past and present, across a landscape of creative aspirations and inspirations: from Frida Kahlo's Casa Azul in Mexico, to a meeting of an Arctic explorer's society in Berlin; from the ramshackle seaside bungalow in New York's Far Rockaway that Smith buys just before Hurricane Sandy hits, to the graves of Genet, Plath, Rimbaud, and Mishima. Woven throughout are reflections on the writer's craft and on artistic creation, alongside signature memories including her life in Michigan with her husband, guitarist Fred Sonic Smith, whose untimely death was an irremediable loss. For it is loss, as well as the consolation we might salvage from it, that lies at the heart of this exquisitely told memoir, one augmented by stunning black-and-white Polaroids taken by Smith herself. M Train is a meditation on endings and on beginnings: a poetic tour de force by one of the most brilliant multiplatform artists at work today.
文艺老青年的极致碎碎念。It's hard to write about nothing.因为对她本人无感,对她写的虚无也无法感同身受,她不停地喝黑咖啡,找寻逝去的记忆,在世界各地的宾馆看侦探剧,找她去过的cafe和钟爱的作者的墓。还有宝丽来和猫。她不信精神分析,可她写的东西太适合精神分析了,梦啊回忆啊不知所措啊。
评分。。永远也想不到会有读着patti smith想说ew的时候
评分拥有和失去,在黑咖啡的梦与醒之间,全书开篇第一句:it's not so easy writing about nothings,而这即是一本关于“无”(nothing)的回忆录,是迄今读过最动人的回忆录。
评分长途飞行良伴 纽约旅游地图简直了
评分一位正在老去的文青,她的coffee and tv, 和文艺朝圣之旅,她多愁善感的日常喃喃,她逝去的时光。
M Train 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书