作者:贾尼斯·宝莫伦斯·二村(Janice P. Nimura),哥伦比亚大学东亚研究硕士,美国作家、书评人,日本媳妇,在日本生活多年,研究领域:东亚史,日本史。
Daughters of the Samurai 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
时间是具有一种让事物不会突然发生在我们面前的属性,正因为有了时间,我们可以更加从容的面对未来。而不善于规划时间的人,也将会被时间所抛弃。 之所以发表这一通感慨,正是看了《武士的女儿》这一本书。我们常常喜欢听故事,尤其是成功者的故事。羡慕他们经历了一番努力,然...
评分 评分 评分《武士的女儿》讲的是19世纪末的日本,但我们很容易从中看到当下的影子。 明治维新时代,日本政府为培养现代女性、将新思想和新生活方式传播到更广泛的社会,派遣几位来自武士家庭的女孩赴美留学。她们得到了最好的教育机会,学成怀着改良社会的志向回到祖国,却发现这里正变得...
评分图书标签: 历史 日本 文化交流 英文原版 英语 女性 哲理 传记
A New York Times Notable Book of 2015
"Surprising and richly satisfying" (Megan Marshall); "beautifully crafted…subtle, polished, and poised" (Stacy Schiff).
In 1871, five young girls were sent by the Japanese government to the United States. Their mission: learn Western ways and return to help nurture a new generation of enlightened men to lead Japan.
Raised in traditional samurai households during the turmoil of civil war, three of these unusual ambassadors―Sutematsu Yamakawa, Shige Nagai, and Ume Tsuda―grew up as typical American schoolgirls. Upon their arrival in San Francisco they became celebrities, their travels and traditional clothing exclaimed over by newspapers across the nation. As they learned English and Western customs, their American friends grew to love them for their high spirits and intellectual brilliance.
The passionate relationships they formed reveal an intimate world of cross-cultural fascination and connection. Ten years later, they returned to Japan―a land grown foreign to them―determined to revolutionize women’s education.
Based on in-depth archival research in Japan and in the United States, including decades of letters from between the three women and their American host families, Daughters of the Samurai is beautifully, cinematically written, a fascinating lens through which to view an extraordinary historical moment.
Map; 8 pages of illustrations
"They had grown into women with the odd ability to see their native land through foreign eyes. They were home, and yet at some deep level they would never cease to be homesick.”
评分"They had grown into women with the odd ability to see their native land through foreign eyes. They were home, and yet at some deep level they would never cease to be homesick.”
Daughters of the Samurai 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书