楊傑美(James Webb Young)
楊傑美James Webb Young(1886年~1973年)
美國傳奇廣告大師、廣告創意魔島理論的集大成者。在智威湯遜廣告公司(JWT)任職達52年之久,除瞭本書外,另著有《廣告人日記》(The Diary of an Ad Man)、與《如何成為廣告人?》(How to Become an Advertising Man)等知名廣告學著作。1946年,獲頒「年度廣告人獎」(Advertising Man of the Year Award)和「廣告獎金牌」(Advertising Awards Gold Medal)。1974年,逝世一年後獲頒「廣告殿堂榮譽獎」(Advertising Hall of Fame)。
推薦理由:美國傳奇廣告大師楊傑美(James Webb Young)唯一一本談“創意”的隨筆散文。他畢生關於創意的理念、思維、經驗、訣竅……全部濃縮在這本書裏。“舊的元素,新的組閤”這句廣告界的經典語錄從何而來?創意如何源源不絕?二十年設計經曆,十年廣告生涯的我說:創意不是天纔們的專利,隻要專注和不斷鍛煉心智,你也可以取得成功。
創意,從無到有 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
評分The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
評分The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
評分The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
評分The sentences are pretty brief and beautiful. Someone who is a fast reader can look through it only with 2 hours. If you have more experience in producing ideas, however, you will get many inipiration. In the litttle book the master gives us a series of me...
圖書標籤: 設計 創意 廣告 方法論 廣告學 設計理論 颱版 藏書
評分感謝我的老闆給我推薦的兩本書:泛廣告時代的幻象、創意從無到有。 兩次打開我新世界的大門。
評分感謝我的老闆給我推薦的兩本書:泛廣告時代的幻象、創意從無到有。 兩次打開我新世界的大門。
創意,從無到有 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載