Xuē Xīnrán (薛欣然, pen name Xinran, born in Beijing in 1958) is a British-Chinese journalist, author, speaker, and advocate for women's issues. She was a popular radio personality in China with a call-in program named "Words on the Night Breeze" from 1989 to 1997. The program focused on women's issues and life stories. She was well known for travelling extensively in China to interview women for her work. In 1997, she moved to London and began writing stories of the women she met along her journeys. Her first book, The Good Women of China, was published in 2002, becoming an international bestseller. She frequently contributes to The Guardian and the BBC.
With journalistic acumen and a novelist's flair, Xinran tells the remarkable stories of men and women born in China after 1979 - the recent generations raised under China's single-child policy. At a time when the country continues to transform at the speed of light, these generations of precious 'one and onlies' are burdened with expectation, yet have often been brought up without any sense of responsibility. Within their families, they are revered as 'little emperors' and 'suns', although such cosseting can come at a high price: isolation, confusion and an inability to deal with life's challenges.
From the businessman's son unable to pack his own suitcase, to the PhD student who pulled herself out of extreme rural poverty, Xinran shows how these generations embody the hopes and fears of a great nation at a time of unprecedented change. It is a time of fragmentation, heart-breaking and inspiring in equal measure, in which capitalism vies with communism, the city with the countryside and Western opportunity with Eastern tradition. Through the fascinating stories of these only children, we catch a startling glimpse of the emerging face of China.
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一個陽光燦爛的早晨,我帶著我一歲多的兒子在院子裏拔草。 隔壁鄰居的老奶奶和我熱情的打招呼,聊天的過程中,她跟我說:“最近我讀瞭一本書,是講你們中國第一代獨生子女的書。我覺得非常有趣。你不正好就是第一代獨生子女嗎?你有沒有興趣讀一下,分享一下你的感受?”我接過...
評分一個陽光燦爛的早晨,我帶著我一歲多的兒子在院子裏拔草。 隔壁鄰居的老奶奶和我熱情的打招呼,聊天的過程中,她跟我說:“最近我讀瞭一本書,是講你們中國第一代獨生子女的書。我覺得非常有趣。你不正好就是第一代獨生子女嗎?你有沒有興趣讀一下,分享一下你的感受?”我接過...
評分一個陽光燦爛的早晨,我帶著我一歲多的兒子在院子裏拔草。 隔壁鄰居的老奶奶和我熱情的打招呼,聊天的過程中,她跟我說:“最近我讀瞭一本書,是講你們中國第一代獨生子女的書。我覺得非常有趣。你不正好就是第一代獨生子女嗎?你有沒有興趣讀一下,分享一下你的感受?”我接過...
評分一個陽光燦爛的早晨,我帶著我一歲多的兒子在院子裏拔草。 隔壁鄰居的老奶奶和我熱情的打招呼,聊天的過程中,她跟我說:“最近我讀瞭一本書,是講你們中國第一代獨生子女的書。我覺得非常有趣。你不正好就是第一代獨生子女嗎?你有沒有興趣讀一下,分享一下你的感受?”我接過...
評分一個陽光燦爛的早晨,我帶著我一歲多的兒子在院子裏拔草。 隔壁鄰居的老奶奶和我熱情的打招呼,聊天的過程中,她跟我說:“最近我讀瞭一本書,是講你們中國第一代獨生子女的書。我覺得非常有趣。你不正好就是第一代獨生子女嗎?你有沒有興趣讀一下,分享一下你的感受?”我接過...
圖書標籤: 2015 英國 獨生子女 外國
評分一本用充滿judge的眼光寫成的媚俗之作…… _______ 不知道為什麼時隔兩年又迴想起這本書,忍不住多說兩句。想寫獨生子女這個議題是好的,很有趣,但拿自己看到的去套已經形成的偏見不可取。尤其第一篇故事,讀的時候我都可以想象得到作者是如何以居高臨下的姿態每時每刻等著找到男孩身上不閤她心儀的舉動,然後歸結為one-child policy的問題。估計這孩子在她傢過得也夠膽戰心驚的。還有一個在居酒屋打工的女孩,明明她的父母就很有問題,不尊重她的想法,女孩在國外自己打工自立實屬不容易,結果在作者筆下便全然是她的錯,是她作為獨生子女自私不懂得體諒父母。但倘若換成一個外國孩子,作者可能又會說外國孩子從小獨立敢反抗父母權威(攤手。寫下來一吐為快!
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