Olivia Laing is a writer and critic. Her first book, To the River, was published by Canongate to wide acclaim and shortlisted for the Ondaatje Prize and the Dolman Travel Book of the Year. She has been the deputy books editor of the Observer, and writes for The Guardian, New Statesman, and The Times Literary Supplement, among other publications. She is a MacDowell Fellow, and has received grants from the Arts Council and the Authors' Foundation. She lives in Cambridge, England.
The Lonely City 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
01 快三百页的一本书,看了一个月的时间。突然想起一句话:“以为它是青铜,结果却是王者星耀”。刚开始看目录的时候,我以为是几个关于“孤独”的故事,估计会很快地把它看完。谁知,看完了其中的一个故事,发现其中的内容不仅会引发人进行深层次的思考,还附带了很多的专业知...
评分The content of the book does not justify the title. Every chapter focuses on one artist, and describes their life, art and their loneliness. Since I'm not interested in artists, this is not the book I want, and I feel I was deceived. Bad feeling...I think t...
评分白左腐女的书让人看了上火。 说自己是crossgender内心是男人又喜欢男人,亲你这是对自己女性身份厌恶导致对男同的痴迷而已。 因为太孤独连续五年365天去野外和陌生人做爱得了艾滋然后怒气冲冲的怪社会,嗯嗯社会逼他们不带套滥交,社会还让他们体内hiv病毒“感到压力加速发展并...
评分孤独有着矛盾的属性,被孤独束缚的人,既渴望获得别人的爱和需要,又恐惧和别人亲密接触,刻意和他人保持距离。正是因为这种矛盾冲突,导致孤独的人变得更加孤立和疏远。 矛盾,是普遍存在的,并不仅存在于孤独患者身上。但有些人身上携带的矛盾属性强于其他人。 我是孤独的吗?我该...
图书标签: 艺术 城市 孤独 loneliness nyc English 非虚构 历史
What does it mean to be lonely? How do we live, if we're not intimately engaged with another human being? How do we connect with other people? Does technology draw us closer together or trap us behind screens?
When Olivia Laing moved to New York City in her mid-thirties, she found herself inhabiting loneliness on a daily basis. Increasingly fascinated by this most shameful of experiences, she began to explore the lonely city by way of art. Moving fluidly between works and lives -- from Edward Hopper's Nighthawks to Andy Warhol's Time Capsules, from Henry Darger's hoarding to the depredations of the AIDS crisis -- Laing conducts an electric, dazzling investigation into what it means to be alone, illuminating not only the causes of loneliness but also how it might be resisted and redeemed.
Humane, provocative and deeply moving, The Lonely City is about the spaces between people and the things that draw them together, about sexuality, mortality and the magical possibilities of art. It's a celebration of a strange and lovely state, adrift from the larger continent of human experience, but intrinsic to the very act of being alive.
评分意料之外的,这本人物传记、自传、文化评论结合体是我的五星阅读。 并不刻意寻找关于艺术、或70-90年代纽约这类主题的我竟在一边细品作者描述这个城市、时代的艺术家时,一边不断在寻找这些他们的作品和事迹。如作者表达的那样,孤独感,它并不会因为我们在熙熙攘攘的人群, 或全民参与的网络世界而减少。随着经济发展,gentrification改变的不仅是大同小异的城,更负面的副产品却是同化人的思想。而城里的人们前所未有更加孤独,但又偏偏不能轻易表达这些“负能量”的个人感受。 Laing从新的角度,带我们看艺术家的作品、记录,镜头里描述这千百年来人类共有的感受,突然间让我觉得孤独感少了。看他们如何在艺术里表达自我,表达孤独,在一个对这些艺术家极不友好的时代里发声。很有力量。
The Lonely City 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书