Olivia Laing is a writer and critic. Her first book, To the River, was published by Canongate to wide acclaim and shortlisted for the Ondaatje Prize and the Dolman Travel Book of the Year. She has been the deputy books editor of the Observer, and writes for The Guardian, New Statesman, and The Times Literary Supplement, among other publications. She is a MacDowell Fellow, and has received grants from the Arts Council and the Authors' Foundation. She lives in Cambridge, England.
The Lonely City 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
正逢疫期,前陣子太過沉於絕望。這幾天才逐漸緩和下來,要求自己刷新聞次數減少,且每次必須轉發有效信息,同時重新撿起自己本該做的事情,希望一切儘快恢復光明。 因為還是頗難打開那些過於歡快的主題,所以選讀了Olivia Laing的這本,買了大半年遲遲未讀。看書前需要做的事,...
评分The content of the book does not justify the title. Every chapter focuses on one artist, and describes their life, art and their loneliness. Since I'm not interested in artists, this is not the book I want, and I feel I was deceived. Bad feeling...I think t...
评分孤独是一种主观自觉与他人或社会隔离与疏远的感觉和体验,而非客观状态;是一个人生存空间和生存状态的自我封闭,孤独的人会脱离社会群体而生活在一种消极的状态之中。 这个是百度百科对于孤独的定义,总难免会想到冰冷、无情,不给一点喘息的机会!像个冷酷的仲裁者,没有一点...
评分孤独有着矛盾的属性,被孤独束缚的人,既渴望获得别人的爱和需要,又恐惧和别人亲密接触,刻意和他人保持距离。正是因为这种矛盾冲突,导致孤独的人变得更加孤立和疏远。 矛盾,是普遍存在的,并不仅存在于孤独患者身上。但有些人身上携带的矛盾属性强于其他人。 我是孤独的吗?我该...
评分我们其实一直是在被孤独包围着,而且世事一直是如此,你要看时,众生百态,光怪陆离,引人哭,引人笑。你不要看时,那有什么芸芸众生,哪有大千世界,不过是荡荡虚空罢了,或许,连虚空也是没有的。 这就是我们所在的,孤独的城市。 生活在城市中,或许我们每个人都会有这么一...
图书标签: 艺术 城市 孤独 loneliness nyc English 非虚构 历史
What does it mean to be lonely? How do we live, if we're not intimately engaged with another human being? How do we connect with other people? Does technology draw us closer together or trap us behind screens?
When Olivia Laing moved to New York City in her mid-thirties, she found herself inhabiting loneliness on a daily basis. Increasingly fascinated by this most shameful of experiences, she began to explore the lonely city by way of art. Moving fluidly between works and lives -- from Edward Hopper's Nighthawks to Andy Warhol's Time Capsules, from Henry Darger's hoarding to the depredations of the AIDS crisis -- Laing conducts an electric, dazzling investigation into what it means to be alone, illuminating not only the causes of loneliness but also how it might be resisted and redeemed.
Humane, provocative and deeply moving, The Lonely City is about the spaces between people and the things that draw them together, about sexuality, mortality and the magical possibilities of art. It's a celebration of a strange and lovely state, adrift from the larger continent of human experience, but intrinsic to the very act of being alive.
喜欢前5章 henry darger
评分I have mixed feelings about her writing. A lovely selection of artists, though, and I'm glad I read it when I was also reading AIDS activism texts, when Andy Warhol was on exhibit at the Art Institute, when I could take the Blue Line to Intuit and look at a replication of Henry Darger's room.
评分I have mixed feelings about her writing. A lovely selection of artists, though, and I'm glad I read it when I was also reading AIDS activism texts, when Andy Warhol was on exhibit at the Art Institute, when I could take the Blue Line to Intuit and look at a replication of Henry Darger's room.
评分"...the revelation that after an experience of loneliness both the damaged individual and the healthy society work in concert to maintain separation."
The Lonely City 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书