After studying forestry, Peter Wohlleben spent over twenty years working for the forestry commission. He left to put his ideas of ecology into practice, and he now runs an environmentally friendly woodland in Huemmel, Germany, where he promotes the return of ancient, sustainability managed forests.
In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben shares his deep love of woods and forests and explains the amazing processes of life, death, and regeneration he has observed in the woodland and the amazing scientific processes behind the wonders of which we are blissfully unaware. Much like human families, tree parents live together with their children, communicate with them, and support them as they grow, sharing nutrients with those who are sick or struggling and creating an ecosystem that mitigates the impact of extremes of heat and cold for the whole group. As a result of such interactions, trees in a family or community are protected and can live to be very old. In contrast, solitary trees, like street kids, have a tough time of it and in most cases die much earlier than those in a group.
Drawing on groundbreaking new discoveries, Wohlleben presents the science behind the secret and previously unknown life of trees and their communication abilities; he describes how these discoveries have informed his own practices in the forest around him. As he says, a happy forest is a healthy forest, and he believes that eco-friendly practices not only are economically sustainable but also benefit the health of our planet and the mental and physical health of all who live on Earth.
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評分讀瞭這本書,會覺得更理解樹木瞭。對,不僅僅是瞭解,而且是理解。 原來植物的生命,也像動物一樣,有交流用的“語言”,每個個體有獨特的個性,有相互支持的社會網絡。樹木對環境境的敏感程度,對環境做齣反應的能力,遠超齣我的想象。 對人而言,樹的反應變化都超級緩慢,因...
評分這本書嚮讀者展現瞭關於樹木的許多令人驚奇的知識,然而最讓我感到震撼的,是最後一篇《生物機器人?》裏,作者寫道: 德國聯邦憲法中明文規定:“......在處理動物、植物,以及其他生物相關事務的過程中,所有生命的尊嚴都必須列入考慮。” 畢竟人類孜孜不倦地尋求萬物的真相...
評分像我這樣見識尚稱廣闊的人,能讀到一本深具啟發的書,是很快樂的事。茲摘錄這本補足我知識拼圖的書,其有趣內容如下: 『樹木有能力學習,還能儲存記憶,並纍積知識。』 『透過發齣氣味、電子及化學訊號,或經由真菌網路,樹木能彼此溝通。』 『樹木有很強的社會傾嚮,既競爭又...
評分讀瞭這本書,會覺得更理解樹木瞭。對,不僅僅是瞭解,而且是理解。 原來植物的生命,也像動物一樣,有交流用的“語言”,每個個體有獨特的個性,有相互支持的社會網絡。樹木對環境境的敏感程度,對環境做齣反應的能力,遠超齣我的想象。 對人而言,樹的反應變化都超級緩慢,因...
圖書標籤: 植物 自然 科普 生物學 生命 英文 自然科學 tree
The wisdom of trees are just remarkable.
評分最後對樹的生活福利的呼籲我不是很買賬,但總的來說還蠻好看的。講的主要是中歐森林,最深的印象是“樹生”真的很慢~很慢~小樹苗要在 stealth mode 蹲點幾十年等一個機會,成年的大樹愈閤一個啄木鳥/貓頭鷹造成的傷口要幾十年,甚至連一棵樹死去也是慢慢的,在死的過程中又過去瞭一百年。作為一本文集,作者關注的話題大大小小都有,小到森林中的微觀生物係統,大到樹中先鋒如何在幾十年間將荒地化成新興森林。雖然文章質量參差不齊,但讀來都還算有趣。北加最常見的紅杉在書中也齣現瞭幾次(這是北美的原生物種,在歐洲算是引進培育的外來貨),偶爾讀到像是在陌生城市中見到老朋友一樣高興。
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