Ali Smith is a writer, born in 1962 in Inverness, Scotland, to working-class parents. She was raised in a council house in Inverness and now lives in Cambridge. She studied at Aberdeen, and then at Cambridge, for a Ph.D. that was never finished. In a 2004 interview with writing magazine Mslexia, she talked briefly about the difficulty of becoming ill with chronic fatigue syndrome for a year and how it forced her to give up her job as a lecturer at University of Strathclyde to focus on what she really wanted to do: writing. Openly gay, she has been with her partner Sarah Wood for 17 years and dedicates all her books to her.
Autumn 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
多日的热浪,袭击号称避暑圣地的山城,闭门不出, 蛰伏在家,诸多杂事,举笔受阻,焦虑、茫然而又复杂的心绪不知所托。静下心来读一读毛姆,读一读《皮囊》,窝在沙发里看一看《我们俩》。 学生时代读书只追求跌宕起伏的故事情节,谜之疯狂地将名言警句抄满厚厚的笔记本,直到...
评分生存是一个人活着没法去选择的事情,而年龄则是生存的标志,它代表的不仅仅是生存,还有我们逝去的青春,以及回不去的从前。 人总会在不同的时期对自己的人生有不同的感悟,关于生存,关于梦想,关于未来,关于老去,这都是我们抛却不了的话题。我们不得不面对,也必须去面对,...
评分夏天哥哥秋天妹妹…… 这本书开始看着没头没脑的,却不忍卒读。慢慢的,倒是看出点端倪来了,感觉我的思维仍然停留在故事情结上,情结摸的有点清楚了,才去体会到故事里这个忘年交的情感。 我很喜欢这种情感,成年人把孩子当成成年人一样对待。儿童期快要消逝,少女时间未满,...
评分文:薇子 友谊可以跨越年龄的界限吗? 可以。 13岁的伊丽莎白要完成一项学校布置的作业, 是有关于邻居的, 他们家的隔壁新搬来了一个邻居, 这位邻居已经80多岁,对于这位新邻居,伊丽莎白是好奇的。 两个年龄差距如此大的人成为了朋友,像丹尼尔说的一样, 是一生的朋友, 她...
评分文图 / 左叔 读英国“新锐女作家”阿莉·史密斯(Ali Smith)的作品《秋》(浙江文艺出版社/王晓英翻译版本),是需要比较充裕的耐心和相对整段不被打扰的阅读时空。这一类偏向于“意识流”的作品对于我而言,进入流畅的阅读状态比较困难,一旦在阅读的中途因为生活琐碎打断之...
图书标签: 英国 小说 Ali-Smith Ali_Smith AliSmith 英文 當代文學 存在
A breathtakingly inventive new novel from the Man Booker-shortlisted and Baileys Prize-winning author of How to be both
Fusing Keatsian mists and mellow fruitfulness with the vitality, the immediacy and the colour-hit of Pop Art - via a bit of very contemporary skulduggery and skull-diggery - Autumn is a witty excavation of the present by the past. The novel is a stripped-branches take on popular culture, and a meditation, in a world growing ever more bordered and exclusive, on what richness and worth are, what harvest means.
Autumn is the first installment in Ali Smith's novel quartet Seasonal: four standalone books, separate yet interconnected and cyclical (as the seasons are), exploring what time is, how we experience it, and the recurring markers in the shapes our lives take and in our ways with narrative.
From the imagination of the peerless Ali Smith comes a shape-shifting series, wide-ranging in timescale and light-footed through histories, and a story about ageing and time and love and stories themselves.
與布克獎失之交臂…… ????️
评分是一本要很仔细analyze才能感到趣味的书,jen campbell的分析就讲得很好。非常plotless并政治性,比起阅读的快感,还是分析的快感比较多
评分又刷了一遍,还是喜欢。老人与女孩的情缘,让人想起"盲龟浮木"的典故,隔着将近七十年的光阴,她爱上了他,一直爱着他,而他在死亡与记忆与梦的边缘逡巡徘徊,终于逆流回返,回向生命,回向她。每个章节的第一句(或半句)都用黑字加粗,一开始还以为连在一起会是诗或歌词,不过大多是提示时间节点,我以为结构上头是collage(拼贴画)的模式,时间碎片打乱重组。不过ali smith自己倒像是给出来了这部作品结构构思的官方答案: p175 Time travel is real, we do it all the time. Moment to moment, minute to minute. 毫无疑问,这本书的构架编排是time -travel,其实开头说的"盲龟浮木"不也是一种time-travel?
评分尤其喜欢有关Pauline Boty的部分,在艺术史的真实与虚构之间游走,就跟How to be both一样。
Autumn 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书