Fumio Sasaki is the former co-editor-in-chief of Wani Books, and lives in a 215-square-foot apartment in Tokyo, furnished with a small wooden box, a desk, and a roll-up futon pad.
Fumio Sasaki is not an enlightened minimalism expert or organizing guru like Marie Kondo―he’s just a regular guy who was stressed out and constantly comparing himself to others, until one day he decided to change his life by saying goodbye to everything he didn’t absolutely need. The effects were remarkable: Sasaki gained true freedom, new focus, and a real sense of gratitude for everything around him. In Goodbye, Things Sasaki modestly shares his personal minimalist experience, offering specific tips on the minimizing process and revealing how the new minimalist movement can not only transform your space but truly enrich your life. The benefits of a minimalist life can be realized by anyone, and Sasaki’s humble vision of true happiness will open your eyes to minimalism’s potential.
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把全書的五章內容大緻整理為三部分:1-2極簡主義産生的原因與社會現象;3各種捨棄tips;4-5極簡之後的改變和收獲的幸福感。以下為具體摘記內容: Part I 原因與影響 1.身邊多餘物品越少,人生越幸福,因為我們已經不需要物品填滿我們的人生。 2.人們希望看起來幸福,遠勝於擁有...
評分我是帶著“應該如何去定義這本書?”的問題去翻閱的,看完還不能完全定義,上豆瓣網查看評分及彆人的讀後感,去年發行的新書,評分人不多,沒上8分,這又有啥所謂呢,看書本來就是自己的事,保持自己的想法纔是最重要的,YES! 這本書對極簡主義者的定義有非常詳細的解...
評分 評分飛機延時,《我決定簡單的生活》是我在祿口機場偶然遇到的一本書。 之前已經看過很多關於斷捨離、極限民的文章,也在閱讀《怦然心動的整理魔法》之後,進行瞭一些實踐。因此於我而言,這本書關於“精簡”的概念並不算新鮮,“扔扔扔”的行為也不再那麼富有衝擊力。引起我注意的...
圖書標籤: 極簡主義 Minimalism 日本 Minimalist 英文原版 文化 Audible 思維
評分前1/3很不錯,時不時有“I'm not the only one”的aha-moment,後麵2/3就比較囉嗦,像小時候寫作文絞盡腦汁湊字數。總體上更適閤尚未形成自己的minimalism philosophy的人,期望尋求一些更深層問題答案的minimalist大概率會失望。
評分A ridiculously expensive item won't make you ridiculously happy.
評分前1/3很不錯,時不時有“I'm not the only one”的aha-moment,後麵2/3就比較囉嗦,像小時候寫作文絞盡腦汁湊字數。總體上更適閤尚未形成自己的minimalism philosophy的人,期望尋求一些更深層問題答案的minimalist大概率會失望。
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