蒂莫西·加顿艾什(Timothy Garton Ash):当代西方最重要的政治写作者之一,牛津大学历史学教授、英国《卫报》专栏作家、中东欧当代史专家,著有《波兰革命》、《档案:一部个人史》、《事实即颠覆:无以名之的十年的政治写作》等。
The File 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
by殷宴 从1950年到1989年,史塔西的毒雾渗透着整个东德。每间工厂都有史塔西派驻的官员,每座公寓楼都有一个以上的房客定期向该地区的负责人报告。超过十万条电话线路被长期监听,无数住宅被安置了窃听器,连公共厕所里都装有微型摄影机。而史塔西最重视的信息来源,则是...
评分by殷宴 从1950年到1989年,史塔西的毒雾渗透着整个东德。每间工厂都有史塔西派驻的官员,每座公寓楼都有一个以上的房客定期向该地区的负责人报告。超过十万条电话线路被长期监听,无数住宅被安置了窃听器,连公共厕所里都装有微型摄影机。而史塔西最重视的信息来源,则是...
评分为什么有人是施陶芬贝格,而有人成为施佩尔? 当有人在鼓励告密文化的时代生存时,可以将顺应时代为恶归咎于时代道德认知的错乱,甚至冒以大义凛然的理由为自己抢占制高点。可是我们可以为自己不勇敢的行为找出诸多理由,但绝不能否认那些勇敢者的勇气,也不能不承认自己的懦弱...
评分by殷宴 从1950年到1989年,史塔西的毒雾渗透着整个东德。每间工厂都有史塔西派驻的官员,每座公寓楼都有一个以上的房客定期向该地区的负责人报告。超过十万条电话线路被长期监听,无数住宅被安置了窃听器,连公共厕所里都装有微型摄影机。而史塔西最重视的信息来源,则是...
评分图书标签: 历史 TimothyGartonAsh 冷战 德国 东德 英文书 比较政治 柏林
评分No one wants to be watched by secret police. But if we were so, would we want to give a glimpse at our "file"? 就这个点还可以。I was one-third of the way through this book and I found myself seriously wanting to be done with it. It's not horrible. But it's certainly not good enough to keep my interest.
评分No one wants to be watched by secret police. But if we were so, would we want to give a glimpse at our "file"? 就这个点还可以。I was one-third of the way through this book and I found myself seriously wanting to be done with it. It's not horrible. But it's certainly not good enough to keep my interest.
评分No one wants to be watched by secret police. But if we were so, would we want to give a glimpse at our "file"? 就这个点还可以。I was one-third of the way through this book and I found myself seriously wanting to be done with it. It's not horrible. But it's certainly not good enough to keep my interest.
评分No one wants to be watched by secret police. But if we were so, would we want to give a glimpse at our "file"? 就这个点还可以。I was one-third of the way through this book and I found myself seriously wanting to be done with it. It's not horrible. But it's certainly not good enough to keep my interest.
The File 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书