Clinton Rossiter (1917-1970) Cornell, A.B. 1939, Princeton, Ph.D., 1942, held Cornell's John L. Senior Chair in Government and was the author of numerous books, including The Supreme Court and the Commander-in-Chief (1951); Conservatism in America (1955); The American Presidency (1956); Marxism: The View from America (1960); and The American Quest 1790-1860 (1971).
William J. Quirk is professor of law at the School of Law of the University of South Carolina. His earlier work on this subject appeared in Society.
How should the United States be governed during times of crisis? Definitely not as we are in times of tranquility, asserts this classic study. The war on terrorism is a case in point. The horrors of terror attacks on the United States have forced Americans to accept legislative changes that might be unthinkable at other times. The "inescapable truth," Clinton Rossiter wrote in his classic study of modern democracies in crisis, is that "No form of government can survive that excludes dictatorship when the life of the nation is at stake."
In an insightful introduction, William Quirk places Rossiter's work in the context of the new century and the current war on terrorism. Constitutional Dictatorship examines the experiences with emergency government of four large modern democracies-the United States, Great Britain, France, and the German Republic of 1919-1933-to see what unusual powers and procedures these constitutional states employed in their various periods of national trial.
Rossiter's concept of a "constitutional dictatorship" may be more shocking today than when he wrote the book. Based on a thoroughgoing study of the use of emergency powers in modern democracies, he determined that the facts of history demonstrate that there are occasions when constitutional dictatorship has served as an indispensable factor in maintaining constitutional democracy. Supreme Court doctrine does not recognize any implied presidential power to suspend the Constitution. However, Rossiter believes this view to be inaccurate. He defends his view through analysis of presidential action during the Civil War, World I, the Depression, and World War II, arguing that when the normal rules are not sufficient other rules take hold.
Rossiter proposed specific criteria by which to judge the worth and propriety of any resort to constitutional dictatorship. He provides a clear roadmap for both citizen and Congress to judge an executive's actions. In his introduction, Quirk notes that Rossiter's concept-the rapid return to normal government when the crisis is concluded-rests on a premise that appears to be missing today. This volume will be essential reading for those interested in politics, constitutional law, and American history.
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是否所有共和國都有天生的緻命弱點?是否一個必要的政府,隻能強勢到限製民眾的自由,又或者弱勢到難以維持自身的生存? 亞伯拉罕·林肯在國會上問齣這樣一個問題之後,就開始瞭他的憲政獨裁統治——國會的立法權被以總統為代錶的行政機關迅速剝奪。 政府部門的各門各類的行政...
評分四點五星。 後浪這本書讓我大開眼界,而這本書寫於1948年更是讓我吃驚。 正如盧梭所言,人們的第一要務,是確保國傢不至滅亡,那麼,獨裁必然是麵臨危機的民主國傢的唯一選擇,而曆史也證明瞭這一點,如何證明,那就請看書瞭。 讓我驚訝的是,這簡單樸素的道理似乎在法學院是不...
評分是否所有共和國都有天生的緻命弱點?是否一個必要的政府,隻能強勢到限製民眾的自由,又或者弱勢到難以維持自身的生存? 亞伯拉罕·林肯在國會上問齣這樣一個問題之後,就開始瞭他的憲政獨裁統治——國會的立法權被以總統為代錶的行政機關迅速剝奪。 政府部門的各門各類的行政...
評分四點五星。 後浪這本書讓我大開眼界,而這本書寫於1948年更是讓我吃驚。 正如盧梭所言,人們的第一要務,是確保國傢不至滅亡,那麼,獨裁必然是麵臨危機的民主國傢的唯一選擇,而曆史也證明瞭這一點,如何證明,那就請看書瞭。 讓我驚訝的是,這簡單樸素的道理似乎在法學院是不...
評分四點五星。 後浪這本書讓我大開眼界,而這本書寫於1948年更是讓我吃驚。 正如盧梭所言,人們的第一要務,是確保國傢不至滅亡,那麼,獨裁必然是麵臨危機的民主國傢的唯一選擇,而曆史也證明瞭這一點,如何證明,那就請看書瞭。 讓我驚訝的是,這簡單樸素的道理似乎在法學院是不...
圖書標籤: 政治學 美國憲法 政治哲學 思想史 憲政獨裁 英文原版 新保守主義 思想史的脈絡
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