Product Description
David Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, first published in 1748, is a concise statement of Hume's central philosophical positions. It develops an account of human mental functioning which emphasizes the limits of human knowledge and the extent of our reliance on (non-rational) mental habits. It then applies that account to questions of free will and religious knowledge before closing with a defence of moderate scepticism. This volume, which presents a modified version of the definitive 1772 edition of the work, offers helpful annotation for the student reader, together with an introduction that sets this profoundly influential work in its philosophical and historical contexts. The volume also includes a selection of other works by Hume that throw light on both the circumstances of the work's genesis and its key themes and arguments.
Book Description
David Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, first published in 1748, is a concise statement of Hume's central philosophical positions. This volume offers helpful annotation for the student reader, together with an introduction that sets this profoundly influential work in its philosophical and historical contexts.
Hume 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
有些问题,我们可以不去了解,那不会影响我们的吃喝住行。但这些问题如果不去了解,人生到底还是会变得黯淡。太多的理所当然太多的习以为常,基于习惯和经验,人变得倨傲和自负。 于是休谟问题就震撼了整个世界。科学并不比迷信更加理性。当人类掌握更多的知识,不断推进理智...
评分 评分休谟,经验主义的集大成者。本书论证了经验的重要性,不会生涩难懂,却有点无聊。 摘了几点笔记出来: 1、经验是观念的根源: 一切观念来源于知觉。当你在寻找原因的道路上无限溯源,最终一定停在某个事实上,这个事实是呈现你的记忆或感官上的,它完全没有根据可以追溯。 2、...
评分这本书确实是一本很小的小册子,但正是这个小册子,造成了人类认知领域的一个革命。 这个小册子,可以认为是「人性论」的一个微缩读本。Hume把他很多思想的精髓部分完整的在这里面表达出来了。 Hume在这本书里面论述的东西非常完整,并且一以贯之。使用他最后总结的那句话来统...
图书标签: 哲学 哲學 society 认识论 苏格兰 休谟
David Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, first published in 1748, is a concise statement of Hume's central philosophical positions. It develops an account of human mental functioning which emphasizes the limits of human knowledge and the extent of our reliance on (non-rational) mental habits. It then applies that account to questions of free will and religious knowledge before closing with a defence of moderate scepticism. This volume, which presents a modified version of the definitive 1772 edition of the work, offers helpful annotation for the student reader, together with an introduction that sets this profoundly influential work in its philosophical and historical contexts. The volume also includes a selection of other works by Hume that throw light on both the circumstances of the work's genesis and its key themes and arguments.
Writing my thesis on the problem of induction. 一遍又一遍被Hume的ingenuity给亮瞎眼。考虑在房间设个Hume的牌位逢ddl前拜一拜..
评分"Thus the observation of human blindness and weakness is the result of all philosophy, and meets us at every turn, in spite of our endeavours to elude or avoid it." (Hume, EHU, p. 33)
评分David Hume是为数不多的写作水平不错阅读流畅思考的有意思的Early Modern Philosopher啊
评分a stupendous philosophical book with insightful discussions of empirical epistemology on vital ideas like free will, miracles, the Design Argument, and mitigated scepticism, explaining skeptical doubts concerning the operations of the understanding, and building the framework of how modern people understand their knowledge and the way it's acquired
Hume 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书