Product Description
David Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, first published in 1748, is a concise statement of Hume's central philosophical positions. It develops an account of human mental functioning which emphasizes the limits of human knowledge and the extent of our reliance on (non-rational) mental habits. It then applies that account to questions of free will and religious knowledge before closing with a defence of moderate scepticism. This volume, which presents a modified version of the definitive 1772 edition of the work, offers helpful annotation for the student reader, together with an introduction that sets this profoundly influential work in its philosophical and historical contexts. The volume also includes a selection of other works by Hume that throw light on both the circumstances of the work's genesis and its key themes and arguments.
Book Description
David Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, first published in 1748, is a concise statement of Hume's central philosophical positions. This volume offers helpful annotation for the student reader, together with an introduction that sets this profoundly influential work in its philosophical and historical contexts.
David Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, first published in 1748, is a concise statement of Hume's central philosophical positions. It develops an account of human mental functioning which emphasizes the limits of human knowledge and the extent of our reliance on (non-rational) mental habits. It then applies that account to questions of free will and religious knowledge before closing with a defence of moderate scepticism. This volume, which presents a modified version of the definitive 1772 edition of the work, offers helpful annotation for the student reader, together with an introduction that sets this profoundly influential work in its philosophical and historical contexts. The volume also includes a selection of other works by Hume that throw light on both the circumstances of the work's genesis and its key themes and arguments.
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休謨,經驗主義的集大成者。本書論證瞭經驗的重要性,不會生澀難懂,卻有點無聊。 摘瞭幾點筆記齣來: 1、經驗是觀念的根源: 一切觀念來源於知覺。當你在尋找原因的道路上無限溯源,最終一定停在某個事實上,這個事實是呈現你的記憶或感官上的,它完全沒有根據可以追溯。 2、...
評分一 休謨給自己寫的自傳中說,自己不喜歡學法律,也嘗試瞭經商,但是毫無興趣,唯一的熱愛,在於思考哲學和一般學問。老王說,每個人一生都有一個主題。休謨就是哲學沉思,就像蘇格拉底的探索知識,笛卡爾、康德和斯賓諾莎也是如此。或許我也是如此,因為我在彆的很多工作或生活...
評分有人說,休謨主要的貢獻在於對因果關係和歸納法的懷疑上,對於人性的理論就顯得平淡無奇。這裏無非是指觀念和印象的劃分。其實,全書是一個邏輯嚴密的演繹體係,而觀念與印象的劃分起到的就是笛卡爾“我思故我在”的邏輯起點的作用。 即使在心理學積澱空前豐富的今天,...
評分既然想知道hume’s account of induction是否force him to account of causation,那麼我們首先必須看他的論證過程: 因為歸納法不能被理性證明,所以歸納不屬於理性的職能。 因為我們關於matters of fact的一切知識都是歸納得來的 又我們關於matters of fact的一切知識...
評分第一章、各派哲學(錶述人性科學的主張) 這一章裏,休謨分析瞭從事哲學事業的不同風格派彆,其中他把精神哲學(Moral Philosophy)分為兩種。 一種強調哲學對生活的影響,喜歡用哲學來指導生活,影響當世。(通俗派) 一種強調理性,強調思維達到極高的高度以使得後人受益。(...
圖書標籤: 哲學 哲學 society 認識論 蘇格蘭 休謨
"Thus the observation of human blindness and weakness is the result of all philosophy, and meets us at every turn, in spite of our endeavours to elude or avoid it." (Hume, EHU, p. 33)
評分Writing my thesis on the problem of induction. 一遍又一遍被Hume的ingenuity給亮瞎眼。考慮在房間設個Hume的牌位逢ddl前拜一拜..
評分For Class, Hume's Philosophy of Religion. We can only learn from experience. A priori reasoning is wrong because we could make inferences from constant conjunctions of two similar objects
評分For Class, Hume's Philosophy of Religion. We can only learn from experience. A priori reasoning is wrong because we could make inferences from constant conjunctions of two similar objects
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