Following the success of The Quantum Universe, first published in 1987, a host of exciting new discoveries have been made in the field of quantum mechanics. The New Quantum Universe provides an up-to-date and accessible introduction to the essential ideas of quantum physics, and demonstrates how it affects our everyday life. Quantum mechanics gives an understanding of not only atoms and nuclei, but also all the elements and even the stars. The book explains quantum paradoxes and the eventful life of Schroedinger's Cat, along with the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and Bell's Inequality. It then looks ahead to the nanotechnology revolution, describing quantum cryptography, quantum computing and quantum teleportation, and ends with an account of quantum mechanics and science fiction. Using simple non-mathematical language, this book is suitable for final-year school students, science undergraduates, and anyone wishing to appreciate how physics allows the new technologies that are changing our lives.
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評分科普,最重要的是易讀性要高。 那就需要把深奧的道理用淺顯的語言與例子來說明。 (不要像《時間簡史》那麼的xxx) 很顯然這本書做到瞭。
評分如果是純理科生,在上無機化學之前讀讀這本書,絕對大有幫助! 本書對於某些文科生來講可能越到後麵越難理解。鄙人認為,作者已經用上瞭最淺顯的語言,列舉瞭最通俗的例子,來解釋量子力學裏的術語瞭。之前上無機課時,對某些莫名其妙齣現的名詞一頭霧水,翻遍教材也找不齣這...
圖書標籤: 科普 物理 量子 物理學 資料 物理QM 想讀 待看
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