Chemistry 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
This best-selling text owes its success to its conceptual approach to problem solving, high-quality end-of-chapter problems, and student-friendly writing style. A robust technology package accompanies the Sixth Edition and includes access to online tutoring and a dynamic online homework system.
"Chemistry emphasizes the qualitative understanding of concepts before quantitative problems are considered, helping build student comprehension. Its integration of descriptive chemistry and chemical principles throughout makes the text both interesting and understandable. A strong emphasis on models and real-world applications prevails throughout the book. Coverage of models includes how they are constructed, how they are tested, and what students learn when they inevitably fail.A superior technology package offers both students and instructors a multitude of resources to facilitate learning and teaching.The text' s art program has been extensively revised to include more molecular-level illustrations of core concepts that help students connect the macroscopic to the molecular level.Updated "Chemical Impact" boxes highlight the most relevant and practical applications of chemistry to students' everyday lives.Media icons in the text link students to related content on the General Chemistry Student CD-ROM and the web site. The CD-ROM includes animations and videos plus activities to help students understand concepts. The web site features problems for extra practice.End-of-chapter material includes new "Media Activities" that direct students to technology resources that can help them explore topics, learn concepts, and solve problems. These activities are conveniently repeated inthe Technology Guide.Incorporation of microscale art increases the effectiveness of the end-of-chapter problems.
Chemistry 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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