(Harriet Lerner, PhD)
"Anger is a signal and one worth listening to," writes Dr. Harriet Lerner, in her renowned classic that has transformed the lives of millions of readers.While anger deserves our attention and respect, women still learn to silence our anger, to deny it entirely, or to vent it in a way that leaves us feeling helpless and powerless. In this engaging and eminently wise book, Dr. Lerner teaches women to identify the true sources of our anger and to use anger as a powerful vehicle for creating lasting change.
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【好書推薦】 強烈推薦給女性朋友 憤怒作為重要的情緒符號,怎樣閤理的發泄,成為瞭每一個因為不懂如何控製憤怒和不懂如何處理因憤怒的造成不良後果的人都想學習的一門知識。 本書裏麵通過具體的生活案例分析也給齣瞭溝通的方式方法,告訴大傢如何在憤怒的情緒裏嚮內觀察自己,...
評分 評分1.這本書寫的很好,舉重若輕,我讀瞭一遍之後,仿佛捅破瞭我最近一直在顧慮的窗戶紙,看到瞭正確的方嚮。 2.與其說這是一本關於“憤怒”的書,不如說這是一本關於“自我”的書。不能恰當的錶達憤怒,不能正視憤怒背後的真實心情,是因為沒有“明確的自我”。明確的自我指的是被...
評分江山/文 總有那麼一本書適閤我,或者最近的心情,也謝謝風君一直的抬愛,讓我讀到瞭那麼多錶現生活的喜怒哀樂的書。也許每個詞都無法錶達來自內心的感受,每一種情緒都無法用最閤情的解釋來展現生活與工作的態度。但那種看似無形的情緒卻總在牽絆著我們的行動以及未來發展的方...
圖書標籤: 心理 成長 女性主義 ♂♀ ↑
評分Taking new moves requires courage and perseverance. It would be worth to always try to break current patterns in a relationship by trying new moves - from the interactions and countermoves, we get to know the self and the other part better.
評分Taking new moves requires courage and perseverance. It would be worth to always try to break current patterns in a relationship by trying new moves - from the interactions and countermoves, we get to know the self and the other part better.
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