Imagining Transgender 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 人类学 Gender Anthropology 民族志 transgender LGBT ANTHROPOLOGY
"Imagining Transgender" is an ethnographic examination of the emergence and institutionalization of "transgender" as a category of collective identity. Embraced by activists in the early 1990s as a means to advocate for rights and services specific to the needs of gender variant people, the category quickly gained momentum in public health, social service, scholarly, and legislative contexts. Working as a safe-sex activist in Manhattan during the late 1990s, David Valentine conducted ethnographic research, mostly among male-to-female transgender-identified people, across sites including drag balls, support groups, meetings of a cross-dresser organization, clinics, bars, and clubs. He found that while young fem queens were labeled "transgender" by social service agencies and activists, many of them either did not know the term or were fiercely resistant to its use. They self-identified as gay.Valentine analyzes the reasons for and potential consequences of this difference - between how some of the most vulnerable and marginalized gender variant people conceive of themselves and how they are perceived by service providers and others. Valentine argues that "transgender" was so rapidly adopted because it clarifies a model of gender and sexuality that has been gaining traction since the 1970s: a paradigm in which gender and sexuality are distinct arenas of human experience. Prevalent within feminism, psychiatry, and mainstream gay and lesbian politics, this distinction and categories based on it unintentionally exclude some gender variant people - particularly poor persons of color - for whom gender and sexuality are deeply connected experiences.Valentine does not oppose the rise of "transgender" as a category; he appreciates the genuine legal, medical, and social advances it has facilitated. Instead, he advocates a broad, inclusive vision of social justice and an attentiveness to the politics of language.
文笔好啊。如此繁杂也写得清楚。理论不是坚挺型的,但是对于理论的运用简直是出神入化。最有意思的一点是,这本书虽然是叫做人类学田野志,但是骨子里渗透着对人类学的不满和批判啊。可以说Queer 了人类学,和人类学最基本的对于社区这个概念的认识,并且揭露了这样一个认识背后的知识论的暴力。难得的人类学好书。而且对于trans的概念的结构,并不像Boellstorff 和 Kulick 之流 (田野中心论),作者并没有把“词汇、用语、语言“的解构放在核心位置,trans 是 becoming 而来,一直becoming 而去。作者很清楚的和Kulick之流划清界限,告诫他们不要以一词之定义来阐释文化和权力互动。
评分虽然Valentine是故意不去触碰语言学这个大坑但我还是很好奇他怎么看待这个问题。Queer来Queer去,当他批评白人男性、中产阶级学术圈价值观的同时,他是不是也在延续他们的语境?人作为社会动物可能无法脱离社会发展出的语言架构和认知体系,但我们的是否能通过理论突破性别的二元对立并使用全新的语言去探讨这个问题?我们能否将gendered behavior看作纯粹的个人选择,如此承认生理性别、生理性别改变的可能性,将行为与生活方式看做为与性别无关的个人选择由此解构gender这一观念本身?
Imagining Transgender 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书