馮文(Vanessa L. Fong),畢業於哈佛大學人類學係,是美國著名的中國教育問題研究專傢。曾任哈佛大學教育學院副教授,現任美國愛默思學院副教授。著有《唯一的希望》(Only Hope: Coming of Age Under China’s One-ChildPolicy)、《重釋伊甸園》(Paradise Redefined: Transnational Chinese Students andthe Quest for Flexible Citizenship)等,並在美國重量級的人類學期刊上發錶過一係列有關中國教育問題的知名文章。
The first generation of children born under China's one-child family policy is now reaching adulthood. What are these children like? What are their values, goals, and interests? What kinds of relationships do they have with their families? This is the first in-depth study to analyze what it is like to grow up as the state-appointed vanguard of modernization. Based on surveys and ethnographic research in China, where the author lived with teenage only children and observed their homes and classrooms for 27 months between 1997 and 2002, the book explores the social, economic, and psychological consequences of the government's decision to accelerate the fertility transition. "Only Hope" shows how the one-child policy has largely succeeded in its goals, but with unintended consequences. Only children are expected to be the primary providers of support and care for their retired parents, grandparents, and parents-in-law, and only a very lucrative position will allow them to provide for so many dependents. Many only children aspire to elite status even though few can attain it, and such aspirations lead to increased stress and competition, as well as intense parental involvement.
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評分 評分作者透過紛繁復雜的社會錶像,從獨特的視角,精準的剖析齣獨生子女製度下社會方方麵麵存在的問題,是一本值得當今父母仔細閱讀的好書。譯者結閤國情現實,融入自身觀點,很接地氣,贊!每個人生活在當今社會怎麼能不深入細緻地考慮一下這個問題呢?推薦大傢讀這本書,推薦大傢...
評分圖書標籤: 我的英文書 人類學 民族誌 中國民族誌 中國研究 YOUTH CHINESEYOUTH CHINA
評分人類學研究報告。可以看齣作者花瞭很大的心力。全書結構清晰,關於participant observation 的用法比較恰當,但是沒有對自身的立場進行總結,中英文的翻譯與平衡做得很好。結尾有點倉促,跟倒數第二章的主題結閤比較緊密,但是與前麵似乎略微有點脫節。
評分人類學研究報告。可以看齣作者花瞭很大的心力。全書結構清晰,關於participant observation 的用法比較恰當,但是沒有對自身的立場進行總結,中英文的翻譯與平衡做得很好。結尾有點倉促,跟倒數第二章的主題結閤比較緊密,但是與前麵似乎略微有點脫節。
評分人類學研究報告。可以看齣作者花瞭很大的心力。全書結構清晰,關於participant observation 的用法比較恰當,但是沒有對自身的立場進行總結,中英文的翻譯與平衡做得很好。結尾有點倉促,跟倒數第二章的主題結閤比較緊密,但是與前麵似乎略微有點脫節。
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