加布瑞埃拉·泽文 (Gabrielle Zevin ,1977— )
Margarettown 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
意犹未尽的读完了《玛格丽特小镇》,再三思琢书评要以什么风格才能完完全全表达我的感情,动笔间顷刻想到既然贫乏的词汇难以述说这个故事,那么就需要一点诗意才能道得明诉的清这渺小之中的传奇。 书的视角是一位将死父亲写给女儿有关她母亲玛格丽特.汤和作者年轻时候那段带着...
评分 评分“从今以后,无论是顺境或者逆境,富裕或者贫穷,健康或者疾病,我都将爱护你、安慰你、尊敬你、珍惜你,在我们的有生之年不另做他想,忠诚对待你,直到死亡将我们分开。” 我一直觉得世界上最真切最浪漫的告白就是婚礼上的誓词。如果决定同一个人共度余生,不仅要有当前对于他...
评分——Will you still love me when I am no longer young and beautiful? 《玛格丽特小镇》,一个带着淡淡忧伤的浪漫故事,从前有一个叫玛格丽特的小镇,到达那里的唯一方式就是迷路,镇上有一间叫玛格丽特的房子,里面住着五个女人,她们中有女孩、有少女、有少妇、有中年妇女...
评分图书标签: 英文原版 玛格丽特小镇 英文小说 ZevinGabrielle
In the playful tradition of The Time Traveler’s Wife comes an enchanting story about love in its many forms, and a man’s timeless journey into the unknowable territory of the woman he loves. From the moment they first sleep together -- piled atop seven mattresses in her dorm room -- N. is pulled ineluctably into a rich and enchanted relationship with Margaret Towne, a woman who will introduce him to worlds he never dreamed existed. Written as a final letter from N. to his young daughter, Jane, Margarettown recounts the story of his relationship with Margaret. Margaret Towne is the name of the woman he loves and of the town she introduces him to, Margarettown. It is a place both real and imagined, located somewhere in upstate New York and home to a mysterious "family" of women named Old Margaret, Marge, Mia, Maggie, and May. In this strange and fantastical place, N. and Margaret become joined forever. Margarettown is a story of what it takes to love the same person for a lifetime and about the impossibility of really knowing anything about who it is we have come to love.
Though in reality , you can never foresee what your beloved will be like when loving her/him at 17 ,or 25
评分2%: 鬼马俏皮又聪明的Maggie……邂逅好可爱,拿支笔一支写不出直到写他的名字。 100% 精灵可爱的女主角,欧美文学里的男性多是有些不羁的,和现实很像,女性也多少有类似气质,最后那个句there is some nobility in monogamy 把我给感动了
Margarettown 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书