邁剋爾·康奈利是美國前總統比爾剋林頓、搖滾巨星米剋賈格爾等人最喜歡的推理小說傢,他也被稱為世界上最好的警探小說作傢。他的小說迄今為止銷售瞭700萬冊,被翻譯成31種文字,並年年蟬聯《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜榜首。驚悚小說大師斯蒂芬金非常賞識康奈利的作品,還特為他的《詩人》一書作序。 自齣道以來,康奈利獲奬無數,其中包括愛倫坡奬、安東尼奬、尼羅 伍爾芙奬、夏姆斯奬、馬耳他之鷹奬,以及法國的38 Caliber、Grand Prix及意大利的Premio Bancarella等奬項。他還曾擔任美國推理小說作傢協會(AWM)主席一職。 邁剋爾康奈利從事小說創作之前,在《洛杉磯時報》擔任犯罪新聞記者,豐富的體驗為他的寫作提供瞭堅實的基礎。1992年康奈利創作瞭以洛杉磯警探哈裏博斯為主角的小說《黑色迴聲》,獲得當年愛倫坡奬的最佳處女作奬。截止2006年,他一共寫瞭十一部“哈裏博斯係列”小說,為洛杉磯市創造瞭一個保護者的形象。 除“哈裏博斯係列”外,康奈利還有《詩人》、《血型拼圖》等作品,也同樣登上暢銷書排行榜。 目前康奈利和他的傢人住在美國佛羅裏達州。
Narcotics officer Cal Moore's orders were to look into the city's latest drug killing. Instead, he ends up in a motel room with a fatal bullet wound to the head and a suicide note stuffed in his back pocket. Working the case, LAPD detective Harry Bosch is reminded of the primal police rule he learned long ago: Don't look for the facts, but the glue that holds them together. Soon Harry's making some very dangerous connections, starting with a dead cop and leading to a bloody string of murders that wind from Hollywood Boulevard to the back alleys south of the border. Now this battle-scarred veteran will find himself in the center of a complex and deadly game-one in which he may be the next and likeliest victim.
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好故事瞭,這個沒啥說的, 就是翻譯得不到位, 讀起來難受, 老憋屈讀者瞭。。。。。。 這樣的翻譯稿齣來, 最後必須得有人統稿潤色, 這工作適閤我,哈哈哈
評分看瞭這套書中的黑色迴聲 和最後的郊狼後,感覺還不錯,就買瞭這本《黑冰》,看瞭六十幾頁以後,覺得這本書的翻譯的水平要麼太差,要麼不用心。 首先,歐化的語言風格和句式結構,記得讀博士一年級時,翻譯課老師著重強調瞭,語言要通順,要看起來像漢語的錶達方式,但這本書的...
評分看完《黑冰》已是深夜兩點瞭,康奈利有一種讓人欲罷不能的能力,不在情節,不在推理,隻是好像你就是小說中的人,能或多或少地感受到他們的傷痛。 還是一貫保有感情的參與卻有距離的抽離感,矛盾著的康奈利,寫著不一樣的偵探小說,想起娜汀.戈蒂默寫的一段話:“高強得超齣平...
評分光是博斯自己寫的那個時間錶 前後就對不上 錯瞭不知道幾次 翻譯在十一月、十二月上犯暈 校對也跟著暈 情節一般 感覺有點難以自圓其說 這還太短 得碼多少字啊 說點彆的好瞭 下一本混凝土女郎更好看一些
圖書標籤: 英語 美國 推理 小說
Harry Bosh係列的第二本,情節麯摺,節奏緊湊,不過比第一本<the black echo>少瞭一點懸念,後半部分有點故弄玄虛。
評分| 2019.1 | he started this series in 92 and as he put it the LA riots was the most surreal experience of his life and he didn't think he would ever see something like that again yet here we are
評分| 2019.1 | he started this series in 92 and as he put it the LA riots was the most surreal experience of his life and he didn't think he would ever see something like that again yet here we are
評分| 2019.1 | he started this series in 92 and as he put it the LA riots was the most surreal experience of his life and he didn't think he would ever see something like that again yet here we are
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