Guy Delisle (born January 19, 1966) is a comic book author from Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. He studied animation at Sheridan College in Oakville, near Toronto, and then worked for the animation studio CinéGroupe in Montreal. He later worked for different studios in Canada, Germany, France, China and North Korea.
His experiences as a supervisor of animation work by studios in Asia were recounted in two graphic novels, Shenzhen (2000) and Pyongyang (2003). The two books, Delisle's most famous work, were first published in French by the independent bande dessinée publisher L'Association. They have been translated into many languages, including English, German, Italian, Polish, Czech and Spanish.
He is married to a Médecins Sans Frontières administrator.[1] With her, he made a trip to Myanmar (Burma) in 2005, which is recounted in Chroniques Birmanes (2007).[2] (translated into English as Burma Chronicles). In the summer of 2009, they completed a one year stay in Jerusalem, Israel, again with Médecins Sans Frontières.[3]
Famously referred to as an 'Axis-of-Evil' country, North Korea remains one of the most secretive and mysterious nations in the world today. A series of manmade and natural catastrophes have also left it one of the poorest. When the fortress-like country recently opened the door a crack to foreign investment, cartoonist Guy Delisle found himself in its capital Pyongyang on a work visa for a French film animation company, becoming one of the few Westerners to witness current conditions in the surreal showcase city. Armed with a smuggled radio and a copy of 1984, Delisle could only explore Pyongyang and its countryside while chaperoned by his translator and a guide. But among the statues, portraits and propaganda of leaders Kim Il-Sung and his son Kim Jong-Il - the world's only Communist dynasty - Delisle was able to observe more than was intended of the culture and lives of the few North Koreans he encountered. His astute and wry musings on life in the austere and grim regime form the basis of this remarkable graphic novel. "Pyongyang" is an informative, personal and accessible look at an enigmatic country.
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看見過別人說平壤或者朝鮮有點類似於八十年代的北京。看完這本書一個月,我已經很清晰地夢見兩次平壤瞭,其實一點也不像八十年代,書中或者夢裡的平壤,更像是現實的陰影,藏在黑暗處的刻骨銘心。 人傢都為感情刻骨銘心,無需說,總也會有人為瞭不自由而感覺到刻骨銘心的。可...
評分在最忙最無生趣的時候田鼠同學推薦瞭這個 那段時間大傢聊天的重點都在房産問題 但天花亂墜的思考問題方式使話題由住房購房問題 延伸到東邊朝陽區韓國人由於國破山河在著急賣房迴國 繼而延伸到南北朝和問題 繼而最終切入正題——北朝鮮的共産主義製度 這種“人人為我我...
評分1.作者帶著明顯的優越感 2.該作者對中國顯然沒有多少好感 3.以上不妨礙這本書的價值 4.貌似作者什麼都沒看到,但隱藏在背後的東西我們都知道 5.這是個寒冷的城市,不僅僅是氣候 6.朝鮮人民很可愛,很無奈,但是我們沒理由同情他們 7.國傢機器是個很可怕的東西,就像個哈...
評分初閱此書時,著實百感交集,一番對比下來覺得我可算幸運的瞭,至少還能在馬路邊看姑娘們低胸短裙,還能上上豆瓣寫寫評論媚雅裝逼~嗬嗬~ 之後又恰巧翻到一篇朝鮮人民代錶選舉的材料,著實感到無厘頭,拿去與室友分享,哪知卻被他一陣搶白,纔發覺自己其實又是在五十笑百啦 ...
圖書標籤: 漫畫 Pyongyang 英語 美國 朝鮮 卡通 北朝鮮 2009讀的
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