Guy Delisle (born January 19, 1966) is a comic book author from Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. He studied animation at Sheridan College in Oakville, near Toronto, and then worked for the animation studio CinéGroupe in Montreal. He later worked for different studios in Canada, Germany, France, China and North Korea.
His experiences as a supervisor of animation work by studios in Asia were recounted in two graphic novels, Shenzhen (2000) and Pyongyang (2003). The two books, Delisle's most famous work, were first published in French by the independent bande dessinée publisher L'Association. They have been translated into many languages, including English, German, Italian, Polish, Czech and Spanish.
He is married to a Médecins Sans Frontières administrator.[1] With her, he made a trip to Myanmar (Burma) in 2005, which is recounted in Chroniques Birmanes (2007).[2] (translated into English as Burma Chronicles). In the summer of 2009, they completed a one year stay in Jerusalem, Israel, again with Médecins Sans Frontières.[3]
Pyongyang 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1.作者带着明显的优越感 2.该作者对中国显然没有多少好感 3.以上不妨碍这本书的价值 4.貌似作者什么都没看到,但隐藏在背后的东西我们都知道 5.这是个寒冷的城市,不仅仅是气候 6.朝鲜人民很可爱,很无奈,但是我们没理由同情他们 7.国家机器是个很可怕的东西,就像个哈...
评分在非常偶然的情况下,我在一个在线漫画网上看到这部漫画,第一时间吸引我的,正是那怪异的封面(其实是平壤某精英少年乐团在表演),那种线条和色调,让我想起《皮尔斯姐妹》,我猜想,这肯定是一本“丑化”朝鲜的漫画…… 进去一看,原来是讲加拿大漫画家盖·德利斯勒(Guy D...
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评分第一次看漫画书 二十年第一次 感觉这应该是一本搞笑的漫画书 联想自己所生活的国度 才真觉得幸福
评分真相!脱南者是脱北者数十倍 作者:粤进 2018年12月21日 很多不学无术、没有独立思考能力的愚昧国人喜欢把脱北者这个词挂在嘴上,以为这就能论证北朝鲜体制不如南朝鲜。 那么,所谓的脱北者真的很多吗?有脱南者那么多吗?今天,我们用数据说话。 先厘清概念。脱南者就是舍弃南...
图书标签: 漫画 Pyongyang 英语 美国 朝鲜 卡通 北朝鲜 2009读的
Famously referred to as an 'Axis-of-Evil' country, North Korea remains one of the most secretive and mysterious nations in the world today. A series of manmade and natural catastrophes have also left it one of the poorest. When the fortress-like country recently opened the door a crack to foreign investment, cartoonist Guy Delisle found himself in its capital Pyongyang on a work visa for a French film animation company, becoming one of the few Westerners to witness current conditions in the surreal showcase city. Armed with a smuggled radio and a copy of 1984, Delisle could only explore Pyongyang and its countryside while chaperoned by his translator and a guide. But among the statues, portraits and propaganda of leaders Kim Il-Sung and his son Kim Jong-Il - the world's only Communist dynasty - Delisle was able to observe more than was intended of the culture and lives of the few North Koreans he encountered. His astute and wry musings on life in the austere and grim regime form the basis of this remarkable graphic novel. "Pyongyang" is an informative, personal and accessible look at an enigmatic country.
Pyongyang 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书