Death of Jezebel 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
看完耶洗别,果然是本好书。之前一直有人推荐这本,说密室质量很高,逆转不断,在凶手开场就划定在很小的圈子的情况下,还能给人意外;甚至有人说这本的诡计已经不再像古典推理,而是像新本格了。现在看来这些评价很准确。 看完后最先想到的一部作品居然是卡尔的《三口棺材》。...
评分夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。再没有比这李商隐的诗句更能恰如其分的表达我读这本《Death of Jezebel》 的感受了。 作者Christianna Brand,是英国最后一位古典推理大师,在那个推理作家们纷纷改变风格,抛弃古典解谜的时代里,是她坚持着自己的创作理念。以卓越的作品,为黄金时代...
评分对于Christianna Brand这位作家的了解(大致可见http://www.ylib.com/murder/his-0210.htm,暂时懒得去整理资料了),始于dsky在其blog上对于新一轮密室投票的介绍。而对于Death of Jezebel的了解,则源于Lock Room Library上的评价“some believe contains one of the most au...
评分再次看考克瑞尔探案系列,竟然会有读波洛系列的熟悉与温馨感,这一次他的戏份比《绿色危机》时多了一些,而本作的卖点在广义密室与多重解答。 拥有恶名的女人在众目睽睽的舞台上被人掐死,不可能犯罪的大戏也由此拉开,联想到之前看的《美国枪之谜》,同样是发生在舞台上的凶...
评分图书标签: 不可能犯罪 推理 克里斯蒂安娜·布兰德 ChristiannaBrand 英国 多重解答 小说 推理小说
Johnny Wise came to London from Malaya in 1940, met a girl and, when she was unfaithful to him, committed suicide. Retribution came in 1947, catching up with the principals in Johnny Wise’s death in the course of an Exhibition’s pageant.
Which of the eleven visored knights killed the maiden in the tower—and how? Inspector Cockrill is baffled. And his task is not made any easier because all the suspects were anonymous in their suits of armour at the time of the murder…
评分密室圣经No.213. 之前看过某书评说这书是最强“三个字”诡计,因此当读到George和Cockrill都说看到某物时,突然浑身打了一个冷战,瞬间明白诡计是什么了。非常强的作品,我一直以为这种诡计只有日本人写得出,brand还真是超前啊!
评分It's a fine story yet for some reason not captivating enough for me. It's not hard to figure out who and why even if not every detail of how. And that's not the reason why I didn't enjoy it as much as I wished. Maybe I'm just not into the sealed-room puzzles. Or it's the writing style. I do like certain witty moments.
Death of Jezebel 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书