阿道司·赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley, 1894—1962)是一位多産的英國作傢,共寫作瞭50多部小說、詩歌、哲學著作和遊記,其中最著名的作品是長篇小說《美麗新世界》。他是生物學傢的兒子,從小受到良好的教育,先後畢業於伊頓公學和牛津大學。他對人類生活中的矛盾具有超人的預見力。盡管一次眼疾幾乎讓他視力全失,但在學習瞭盲文後,他逐步開始寫作,先後創作瞭許多胎炙人口的小說,並在20年代成為一個明星人物,其中,1932年創作的《美麗新世界》讓他名留青史。
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最初瞭解到《美麗新世界》,是在初中時讀的《科幻世界》。後來讀《娛樂至死》,波茲曼不止一次提到本書,促成瞭我對其閱讀的機會。第一次閱讀本書是在大學時代,距今也7、8年瞭。當時的震撼至今難忘,但也留下瞭諸多睏惑和不解。在那時寫下的書評最後,我曾寫下一連串疑問: “...
評分《美麗新世界》是兒子藉來看的,看完遞給我說:你也看看吧。 他總是在看些我不知道的東西,小時候怕他成為文藝男,拼命把他往體育活動和理科男方嚮拉。看的都是恐龍、十萬個為什麼以及數學經典等等。但是大概從初中起風嚮變瞭,他自己找東西看,從歐美漫畫到偵探小說科...
評分Chinese government has been trying to build a harmonious socialism society these years. They wish people in that kind of society can live in harmony with each other, making the political, economical and cultural development. The various parts of the society...
評分這版讓人特彆抓狂就是為瞭減少人名的諷刺性把很對一看就是有所指的人名變成瞭音譯,以讓人減少聯想。沒看過其他版本的翻譯,藉助百科,還原人名指代和暗含之意。 柏納德·馬剋斯,Bernard Marx,這個名字是George Bernard Shaw(喬治·蕭伯納和Karl Marx(卡爾·馬剋思)。蕭...
圖書標籤: 美麗新世界 外國文學 UK Dystopian AldousHuxley 2010 反麵烏托邦三部麯 Literature
"If one's different, one's bound to be lonely." "I want to know what passion is. I want to feel something strongly." "One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them."
評分"If one's different, one's bound to be lonely." "I want to know what passion is. I want to feel something strongly." "One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them."
評分"If one's different, one's bound to be lonely." "I want to know what passion is. I want to feel something strongly." "One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them."
評分the horror of modern technology
評分"If one's different, one's bound to be lonely." "I want to know what passion is. I want to feel something strongly." "One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them."
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