马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell),被《快公司》誉为“21世纪的彼得·德鲁克”,曾是《华盛顿邮报》商务科学专栏作家,目前是《纽约客》杂志专职作家。
马尔科姆出生于英格兰,是牙买加人的后裔。在加拿大长大,现居纽约市。他曾经做过卫生政策和科学新闻方面的记者,其文章喜欢以小见大。马尔科姆是一个非常有创意的作家,他认为自己的文风属于一种adventure of ideas的风格,虽然大部分作品都不属于虚构,又不是围绕一个人物或者一个故事展开,但其中的故事情节却一般比较曲折,看他的文章很有adventure波澜起伏的韵味。
Outliers 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分这是一本引人入胜的书,吸引人之处不仅在于作者揭示的一个个鲜为人知的道理,更在于作者的思维方式。作者分析那些公认的天才们所拥有的机遇,以及飞机失事的原因时,抽丝剥茧,层层深入,直指要害,令人折服。 从表面上看,作者把成功的因素归于两点:机遇和文化传承,但作者真...
评分 评分 评分这是一本关于“成功学”的书,确实成功学中的异类!作者对成功途径的寻找在百万成功学中寻找到了一个外在的突破:成功并不仅仅只是单凭个人努力就可以实现的。 作者提到了一个目前广为人知的关键:10000小时的精细化训练和努力。在这一点上,作者提到比尔盖茨的例子,提到夹克...
图书标签: MalcolmGladwell 社会科学 outliers 思维 心理学 英语 暢銷 UK
A brilliant new book from the bestselling author of The Tipping Point and Blink Why are people successful? For centuries, humankind has grappled with this question, searching for the secret to accomplishing great things. In this stunning new book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an invigorating intellectual journey to show us what makes an extreme overachiever. He reveals that we pay far too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where successful people are from: their culture, their family, and their generation. Gladwell examines how the careers of Bill Gates and the performance of world-class football players are alike; what top fighter pilots and The Beatles have in common; why so many top lawyers are Jewish; why Asians are good at maths; and why it is correct to say that the mathematician who solved Fermat's Theorem is not a genius. Just as he did in Blink, Gladwell overturns many of our conventional notions and creates an entirely new model for seeing the world. Brilliant and entertaining, this is a landmark work that will simultaneously delight and illuminate.
评分首先,这不是本励志书。 然后,没有我想象的好,虽说李笑来和刘未鹏双双推荐。 还是徐宥说的好,这是本适合买来封皮放书架上的书。
Outliers 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书