Arnold Joseph Toynbee CH (April 14, 1889 – October 22, 1975) was a British historian whose twelve-volume analysis of the rise and fall of civilizations, A Study of History, 1934-1961, was a synthesis of world history, a metahistory based on universal rhythms of rise, flowering and decline, which examined history from a global perspective.
Daisaku Ikeda (池田大作born January 2, 1928) is president of Soka Gakkai International (SGI), a Buddhist association with about 12 million members in more than 190 countries and territories, and founder of several educational, cultural and research institutions. Also an honorary member of the Club of Rome.
The table of contents of this book will tell the reader, at a glance, that the book covers a wide range of topics. These topics have entered into the dialogue because they are matters of personal concern to the two participants. The dialogue is now being published as a book in the hope that the same topics will prove to be matters of general concern fot the authors` contemporaries in the English-speaking world, in Japan and elsewhere.
1. The basic human being
2. The environment
3. The intellect
4. Health and welfare
5. Man as the social animal
6. The second half of this century
7. Arms and war
8. Choosing a political system
9. One world
10.The nature of things
11.Roles religion plays
12.Good and evil
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中文版的書名嚴重誤導瞭我, 我開始以為是什麼爛書呢! 從圖書館藉來的, 一翻,哇塞! 差點被書名誤導瞭。 其實這本書所涉獵的範圍是如此之廣之深! 補充,英文版書名是《choose life》(對生命的選擇)。 好書, 不知道有沒有新版, 書的文字看起來稍微有點纍, 建議應該...
評分是上課的時候吳曉明老師推薦的。 吳曉明老師推薦的東西都讓人很信服,我就是經由他的推薦纔去找瞭海涅看。 這本書看的很慢,邊看邊做筆記,湯因比和池田大作,很抱歉,我都是隻聞其名未讀其作的,但是以此為開始真是非常的閤適。 我和朋友玩笑說,這本書就是兩個懷抱著田園...
評分中文名的翻譯是《展望21世紀》,估計對於齣版時候的1980年代的中國人來說是具有足夠吸引力的。但當我在維機百科上麵一查英文名為Choose Life: A Dialogue with Arnold J. Toynbee,並且在國外多次再版。所以此書應該翻譯為《對生命的選擇》通俗一點就是對《生活方式的選擇》此...
評分強化幾個關於宗教的概念:十道,十如是;猶太係三大宗教猶太教、基督教、伊斯蘭教。 發現更深層次東方精神:範圍為東亞、東南亞、印度;隱逸,集體,冥伏小我彰顯大我,調和。東亞與印度的多神精神是其成果與有機土壤之一。 西方人認識東方的錯誤在於立足點:其立足點永遠是...
圖書標籤: 哲學 宗教 人生 life choose 生命 society (English)
評分Seeky was lucky to have received the book as a souvenir.
評分Seeky was lucky to have received the book as a souvenir.
評分A book talks about many aspects of life in depth. Although I don't totally agree with the religious views of these two authors, their deep thoughts, insightful minds about past, present, and future of the world should be revered and applauded.
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