Hannah Fry is an associate professor in the mathematics of cities at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London. A regular presenter for the BBC, she lives in London and tweets @FryRsquared.
A look inside the algorithms that are shaping our lives and the dilemmas they bring with them.
If you were accused of a crime, who would you rather decide your sentence—a mathematically consistent algorithm incapable of empathy or a compassionate human judge prone to bias and error? What if you want to buy a driverless car and must choose between one programmed to save as many lives as possible and another that prioritizes the lives of its own passengers? And would you agree to share your family’s full medical history if you were told that it would help researchers find a cure for cancer?
These are just some of the dilemmas that we are beginning to face as we approach the age of the algorithm, when it feels as if the machines reign supreme. Already, these lines of code are telling us what to watch, where to go, whom to date, and even whom to send to jail. But as we rely on algorithms to automate big, important decisions—in crime, justice, healthcare, transportation, and money—they raise questions about what we want our world to look like. What matters most: Helping doctors with diagnosis or preserving privacy? Protecting victims of crime or preventing innocent people being falsely accused?
Hello World takes us on a tour through the good, the bad, and the downright ugly of the algorithms that surround us on a daily basis. Mathematician Hannah Fry reveals their inner workings, showing us how algorithms are written and implemented, and demonstrates the ways in which human bias can literally be written into the code. By weaving in relatable, real world stories with accessible explanations of the underlying mathematics that power algorithms, Hello World helps us to determine their power, expose their limitations, and examine whether they really are improvement on the human systems they replace.
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本來隻是想寫個短評,但是可能不夠寫那麼多,於是寫這篇書評和閱讀tips。 不打算寫的過於冗長,也不考慮spolier。 這本書不算很長,200多頁,是hannah fry的第二本書,也是她第一次涉獵算法世界。藍色封麵是英國版,後來的這個乳白色底的是美國版。該書也齣瞭中文版。 主要涉及...
評分本來隻是想寫個短評,但是可能不夠寫那麼多,於是寫這篇書評和閱讀tips。 不打算寫的過於冗長,也不考慮spolier。 這本書不算很長,200多頁,是hannah fry的第二本書,也是她第一次涉獵算法世界。藍色封麵是英國版,後來的這個乳白色底的是美國版。該書也齣瞭中文版。 主要涉及...
評分本來隻是想寫個短評,但是可能不夠寫那麼多,於是寫這篇書評和閱讀tips。 不打算寫的過於冗長,也不考慮spolier。 這本書不算很長,200多頁,是hannah fry的第二本書,也是她第一次涉獵算法世界。藍色封麵是英國版,後來的這個乳白色底的是美國版。該書也齣瞭中文版。 主要涉及...
評分本來隻是想寫個短評,但是可能不夠寫那麼多,於是寫這篇書評和閱讀tips。 不打算寫的過於冗長,也不考慮spolier。 這本書不算很長,200多頁,是hannah fry的第二本書,也是她第一次涉獵算法世界。藍色封麵是英國版,後來的這個乳白色底的是美國版。該書也齣瞭中文版。 主要涉及...
評分本來隻是想寫個短評,但是可能不夠寫那麼多,於是寫這篇書評和閱讀tips。 不打算寫的過於冗長,也不考慮spolier。 這本書不算很長,200多頁,是hannah fry的第二本書,也是她第一次涉獵算法世界。藍色封麵是英國版,後來的這個乳白色底的是美國版。該書也齣瞭中文版。 主要涉及...
圖書標籤: 科普 計算機科學 人工智能 Algorithm 非虛構 社會學 人類學 閑書
評分"In the end, you are left with a big mess of signals... It's almost impossible to know what to believe. Almost impossible. But not quite"
評分關於“算法”逐漸深入我們生活的方方麵麵(消費、醫療、保險、執法等等)的情況的論述以及所造成的社會、倫理等各方麵的衝擊以及可能的解決方案和未來前景。雖然其中大部分例子是統計或者機器學習範疇下的算法,但是書確實是從更加寬泛定義的“算法”作為著眼點來講的。全書采用一種比較中立的態度來講,舉瞭很多從非常早期(計算機發明之前)的一些算法應用和非常新(2018)的一些例子,可以看齣作者做瞭很多功課。比較有趣的點主要在意一方麵可以瞭解一些有意思的知識比如超市為什麼願意免費幫你辦會員卡或者無人駕駛車的早期嘗試和曆史,另一方麵又能看到一些“當前時代”的名詞(諸如 Uber、Alexa、Black Mirror、Tesla、騰訊優圖等等)。
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