理查德·羅吉利(Richard Rudgley),於倫敦大學獲得社會人類學和宗教研究學位後,進入牛津大學社會和文化人類學研究所學習民族學、博物館民族誌和史前史。目前,他正緻力於研究緻幻植物在史前和古代的使用。1991年,他成為首個獲得大英博物館普羅米修斯奬的人 ,這促成瞭他首部專著《文化之魔:癮品社會》的齣版。其爾後齣版的《石器時代的失落文明》與《異教徒重生》皆被製作為電視節目,於BBC四颱播齣,由羅吉利親自主持。
譯者 彭貴菊,廣東工業大學副教授,研究方嚮為英美文學和比較文學,譯著有《泄密的心》《一紙瞞天》等。熊榮斌,廣東工業大學副教授,研究方嚮為語言學和翻譯,譯著有《麗姬婭》等。
藥物的曆史總是愛恨交織;任何對這些物質一味咒罵或一味贊揚的記述都不算完整。這本集萃便是一個微縮宇宙,旨在展現在藥物與其使用者的相互影響下所誕生的大韆世界。所選作品亦是包羅萬象。除瞭齣自小說與短篇故事的作品,還囊括瞭祈禱詞、檄文、謎語中的選段。既有西方的作品,也有古代、東 方以及部族文獻,力求全方位呈現各色人物與毒物的“邂逅”。從拉伯雷、薄伽丘、馬可·波羅、英王詹姆士一世到福爾摩斯、讓·科剋托、威廉·巴勒斯、阿道司·赫胥黎,牛津大學社會和文化人類學學者理查德·羅吉利打破瞭緻幻文化源於20世紀60年代的迷思,以獨特的視角串起瞭一部跨越兩韆年的藥物文化史。
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這是亞馬遜上一個讀者的書評,而且看的還是盜版copy Why is this out of print?!?! I was sad to see this wonderful book was out of print while browsing amazon, but fortunately I was lucky enough to find a cheap copy at a used bookstore not too long ago. It has s...
評分這是亞馬遜上一個讀者的書評,而且看的還是盜版copy Why is this out of print?!?! I was sad to see this wonderful book was out of print while browsing amazon, but fortunately I was lucky enough to find a cheap copy at a used bookstore not too long ago. It has s...
評分這是亞馬遜上一個讀者的書評,而且看的還是盜版copy Why is this out of print?!?! I was sad to see this wonderful book was out of print while browsing amazon, but fortunately I was lucky enough to find a cheap copy at a used bookstore not too long ago. It has s...
評分這是亞馬遜上一個讀者的書評,而且看的還是盜版copy Why is this out of print?!?! I was sad to see this wonderful book was out of print while browsing amazon, but fortunately I was lucky enough to find a cheap copy at a used bookstore not too long ago. It has s...
評分這是亞馬遜上一個讀者的書評,而且看的還是盜版copy Why is this out of print?!?! I was sad to see this wonderful book was out of print while browsing amazon, but fortunately I was lucky enough to find a cheap copy at a used bookstore not too long ago. It has s...
圖書標籤: 迷幻文學 迷幻 文化 文化研究 英國 短篇集 小說 醫學
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