It's All Too Much 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
读书笔记 有时候夫妻之间的吵架,更多的是话语权力争夺拉锯战,一旦双方立场确定,各自都会变得坚定不移。 主卧室应该未夫妻双方设立,应该营造它应有的氛围,如果连你自己都不在意你和伴侣所拥有的独立享受的空间,谁又会在乎呢?所以,主卧会是孩子们的禁地,不要设立孩子们...
评分《减法生活》这本书在一大叠的励志、管理、心灵类书中,显得很不一样。如今所有的博客和书都在教你怎样多做事并且把它们搞定,然后显得更富有成效。 而这本书想教你少做事,做得更少,而且这里并不是仅仅整理杂物这么简单,他包括了恋爱、工作、家庭、金钱、健康、价值观等各...
评分 评分去掉多余的种种,追寻最原始最真实的自己!你的理想是什么,你想怎么的生活,其他多数人都是简简单单的过自己的小日子就好。过小日子其实需要的不多,但是要有人分享才是最重要的。你要的生活也是要和你的伴侣,你的孩子及朋友一想分享,一起讨论的。
图书标签: 极简主义 lifehacks Self-Help Peter_Walsh Non-Fiction Minimalism
Peter Walsh has won over millions of people, including Oprah, with his good humour and reassuring advice as he's coached viewers through the process of de-cluttering their homes and reclaiming their space and their lives. Now, in It's All Too Much, he challenges you to answer a very simple but scary question: Does the stuff you own contribute to the life you want to live or does it get in the way of your vision of a happy life? Peter shows you how to assess the state of your home and then with simple techniques and a very clear plan he shows you how to go room by room to identify priorities and part with the things that are weighing you down. From the 'holding onto the past' clutter - your grandmother's china or your first report card to the 'living in the future' clutter - that GBP100 dress you may fit into again or the untouched fondue set you got as a wedding gift. Filled with real-life examples and hands-on advice for homes and lives of all sizes, Peter helps you understand the purpose and place for everything in your home and gives you the freedom to let go and move on. The result is freed-up space and more energy for living a happier, richer life.
评分unclutter your home.
评分unclutter your home.
It's All Too Much 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书