班尼特?A.麦克道尔先生是网站traderscoach.com的创始人,是技术分析专家和复杂交易平台专家。他一开始是做金融顾问的,麦克道尔用自己的交易系统为高端客户理财。这个系统现在叫做应用现实交易或ART系统,全世界40多个国家的交易者都在使用这个系统。麦克道尔经常在全国演讲,还为像《股票和商品技术分析》这样的杂志撰稿。他是交易培训方面的领军人物,他很荣幸的加入了esigna的“和大师一起交易”团队。麦克道尔还是《交易艺术》的作者,本书已经由John Wiley & sons 公司出版了。
A Trader's Money Management System 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
内容:★★★★☆ 翻译:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★☆☆ 装帧:★★★☆☆ 这是一本较为系统地,讲解资金管理的书。专门论述资金管理的书,市面上很少见。从这个角度可以看出,能够意识到资金管理重要性的人很少,以至于出版社出于商业利益不愿意出版此类读物。同时,能够以交易...
评分 评分这本书把资金管理用系统性的思维方式,进行了介绍和总结。 然后读者可以对资金管理的整体的认知,从而让一些人少走弯路。 说的白一点,交易基本算就是对资金的管理。要想管理好的就得需要专业的知识来进行学习。 此书就可以算是入门级书籍,后面的交易卡片确实很务实可以改动一...
评分这本书把资金管理用系统性的思维方式,进行了介绍和总结。 然后读者可以对资金管理的整体的认知,从而让一些人少走弯路。 说的白一点,交易基本算就是对资金的管理。要想管理好的就得需要专业的知识来进行学习。 此书就可以算是入门级书籍,后面的交易卡片确实很务实可以改动一...
评分这本书比较简单,也比较容易上手,没有过多的概念和复杂的数学公式。 纵观全书下来有以下摘录: 1、只要不死,就有机会赢,控制风险为首要。控制风险要控制3个变数:进场点、出场点、交易量 2、在同一时间框架内设置止损点,如果用周线框架进场的,就不要用日线框架的止损点约...
图书标签: 投资 股票 经济金融 英文书 投资总论 Money 英文原版 投资&经济:操作列
《一个交易者的资金管理系统》讲解了资金管理系统的5个关键因素。书中第一部分解释了风险控制心理,指出了资金管理中的重要点,教授读者如何有效地把心理因素溶于资金管理系统。第二部分又解释了各种止损的方法,并告诉读者如何在应当止损的时候坚决止损。第三部分讨论了交易量这个名词,读者会了解如何避免过度交易,如何决定交易量的大小。最后又谈到了做交易记录的重要性,并解释了做交易记录的明显好处 Money management may very well be the most important piece of the trading puzzle. In A Trader's Money Management System , expert Bennett McDowell provides time-tested techniques that can turn a losing trader into a winning one?and take the winning trader to an entirely new level. In revealing his personal approach to staying out of trouble in the financial markets and maximizing profits, he offers comprehensive insights into: The psychology of risk control as well as the finer aspects of setting stop-loss exits The value of managing trade size and consistent record keeping The process of putting together your own personal money management system Unlike other books that focus on the complex mathematical theories behind money management, this book presents its system in straightforward, easy-to-understand terms that will allow you to quickly see how these concepts work?and immediately benefit from the value of effectively managing risk.
评分Risk management is the most imporotant thing for every trader who want to be success in trading. Newbies always don't know how much risk of each trade they take. Never expose too much risk of your account. 2% is way too much. Although this book only discusses the basis of money manangement. The record keeping is the best way to improve your perm
评分Risk management is the most imporotant thing for every trader who want to be success in trading. Newbies always don't know how much risk of each trade they take. Never expose too much risk of your account. 2% is way too much. Although this book only discusses the basis of money manangement. The record keeping is the best way to improve your perm
评分Risk management is the most imporotant thing for every trader who want to be success in trading. Newbies always don't know how much risk of each trade they take. Never expose too much risk of your account. 2% is way too much. Although this book only discusses the basis of money manangement. The record keeping is the best way to improve your perm
A Trader's Money Management System 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书