Born in 1915 and educated in Oxford, Yang Xianyi is a world-renowned translator. He has translated, with his wife Gladys Yang, numerous Chinese classics such as A Dream of Red Mansions, The Scholars, Selected Works of Lu Xun, which are by now translations par excellence.
It all began with a dream. A young woman saw a white tiger leap into her lap. It was both auspicious and unlucky—her son, the fortune-teller said, would grow up with no brothers, and his father's health would be endangered by his birth. That son, however, would have a distinguished career, after going through many misfortunes and dangers.
The dream was prophetic. The child was his mother's only male child and his father died of illness when the boy was only five. He grew up during the wartime and period of political turmoil in China, passing through many troubles, and he has had a very distinguished career. He is Yang Xianyi, renowned scholar, translator and interpreter of Chinese and Western literature.
This delightful memoir of Yang Xianyi gives a candid and entertaining account of himself as a lighthearted and mischievous young man who immersed himself in the learning of European culture, ancient and modern, when he studied at Oxford in the 1930s. But it is also the illuminating self-portrait of a deeply patriotic intellectual living in a China under the throes of change, giving rare insight into the survival of a courageous, witty and principled individual during the harsh century of Chinese liberation.
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這一版的《楊憲益自傳》是在楊先生英文自傳《white tiger》中譯本《漏船載酒憶當年》的基礎上訂正並再版發行的,附錄部分收入瞭部分中文短文,內容多是追憶友人以及談文學翻譯。因原作是英文,讀來頗有西式文體的風格,簡短直白,坦率幽默的天性在其中處處可見。 去...
評分書籍裏麵,我對人的自傳有著特殊的癖好,一是讀起來不用腦子,快得很;二是各種經曆,讀來饒有趣味;三往深一點說,則是直麵“一代人有一代人的命運”的命題。年初的時候讀完瞭英若誠前輩的《水流雲在》,今日又讀完瞭楊憲益先生的《楊憲益自傳》 。很湊巧,兩本自傳有個共同點...
評分書籍裏麵,我對人的自傳有著特殊的癖好,一是讀起來不用腦子,快得很;二是各種經曆,讀來饒有趣味;三往深一點說,則是直麵“一代人有一代人的命運”的命題。年初的時候讀完瞭英若誠前輩的《水流雲在》,今日又讀完瞭楊憲益先生的《楊憲益自傳》 。很湊巧,兩本自傳有個共同點...
評分楊憲益老先生的自傳。 我以為他隻是個翻譯傢,初意隻是想看看翻譯傢的人生。 但他生於1915年,天津中國銀行行長的兒子,真是飽讀詩書,留學牛津,娶瞭外國女子為妻。 抗日戰爭時期迴國,輾轉多地,經曆新中國成立、wg、改革開放,個人的經曆,又如何隻能是兩耳不聞窗外事。 楊...
評分知道楊老是因為前陣子在看鄭念的上海生死劫。然後在amazon上查書的時候看到同類型的書。於是纔開始知道這位最偉大的翻譯傢的故事。特彆是最後幾個章節。。。當然,因為自己看英文書一直很慢,我先看瞭人民日報齣版社的版本,然後又過瞭雷音版本最後幾章。 很震驚這麼偉大的翻譯...
圖書標籤: 楊憲益 傳記 迴憶錄 文學 閑趣 英語學術類書籍 英國 看到就買
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