He's Just Not That Into You
the six little words that changed dating forever
For ages women have come together over coffee, cocktails, or late-night phone chats to analyze the puzzling behavior of men. Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo are here to say that -- despite good intentions -- you're wasting your time. Men are not complicated, although they'd like you to think they are. And there are no mixed messages.
The truth may be he's just not that into you.
Based on a popular episode of Sex and the City, He's Just Not That Into You educates otherwise smart women on how to tell when a guy just doesn't like them enough, so they can stop wasting time making excuses for a dead-end relationship.
The newly expanded edition includes:
A new foreword by Greg
A new chapter providing an honest look at the stages of lifeafter He's Just Not That Into You, according to Liz: exaltation,loneliness, temptation, and balance
Greg's and Liz's answers to the most frequently asked questionsfrom readers 注:兩種封麵,隨機發貨。
He's Just Not That Into You 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
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圖書標籤: 英文原版 愛情 女性 relationship 小說 生活 美國 外國文學
下瞭個語音版的He is just not that into you,上班的時候在地鐵上聽,聽到會心之處常常忍不住大笑起來。原來我曾做過那麼多錯誤的以為,原來世上愚蠢的姑娘並不是我一個。但如果有下一次,也許我還是不會改變。
評分Yes, the breakups are painful even from someone you only dated a few days. You may have been excited about him and had a lot of hopes for the future. But how empowering to have the mental clarity to say, "He's just not that into me". And, screw all the liars and their fucking lies!
評分齣門在外一直聽這個 智力包已掉
評分It is a great book for anyone who starts and continues his/her journey to love.
評分Maybe the happy ending doesn't include a wonderful guy. Maybe it's you, on your own,picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is just moving on.
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