理查德·耶茨(Richards Yates,1926-1992)是“焦虑时代的伟大作家”。作品有《革命之路》、《十一种孤独》、《复活节游行》、《恋爱中的骗子》、《好学校》、《年轻的心在哭泣》、《冷泉港》等。耶茨作为二十世纪中叶的美国主流生活的忠实记录者,批评家们将他与契诃夫、菲茨杰拉德、约翰·契弗相提并论。他的处女作长篇小说《革命之路》甫一推出即获成功,获得美国国家图书奖提名。1962年他的第一部短篇小说集《十一种孤独》出版,更被誉为“纽约的《都柏林人》”。耶茨的作品曾获《纽约时报书评》、《君子》、《华盛顿邮报》等媒体的好评,有四本小说入选“每月一书俱乐部”。此外他还拥有一大批作家拥趸,其中不乏著名作家,如库尔特·冯古内特、安德烈·杜波依斯,他的作品也影响了许多作家,如雷蒙德·卡佛,他被誉为“作家中的作家”。
Young Hearts Crying 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
没有过多华丽的语句,却总是想把自己代入进去,也会为迈克尔迷恋戴安娜而痴痴笑,也会为迈克尔那点仅剩的尊严而可怜又可敬。 他,好像没有多大的成就,如果给他认认真真写个人生总结,也就是“二战时期的空中机枪手,写过几部诗集,代表作《坦白》”,比起普通人的生活,确实精...
评分 评分在去清迈的途中读了耶茨的第三本书《年轻的心在哭泣》,书中描述了年轻貌美的富家女和落魄清高的诗人之间失败的婚姻。当然,本书的绝望之处并非这段无果的爱情,而是作为两个独立个体的男女主人公各自人生的失败和徒劳的挣扎。 男主人公略有才情,出版过一部诗集,其中一首长...
评分图书标签: 理查德·耶茨 美国 外国文学 小说 文学 中产阶级 Yates 西方
In Young Hearts Crying , Yates movingly portrays a man and a woman from their courtship and marriage in the 1950s to their divorce in the 70s, chronicling their heartbreaking attempts to reach their highest ambitions. Michael Davenport dreams of being a poet after returning home from World War II Europe, and at first he and his new wife Lucy enjoy their life together. But as the decades pass and the success of others creates an oppressive fear of failure in both Michael and Lucy, their once bright future gives way to a life of adultery and isolation. With empathy and grace, Yates creates a poignant novel of the desires and disasters of a tragic, hopeful couple.
really patriarchal, but the best thing about Yates is that he shows the cruelty of patriarchy and masculinity by occupying that position. He sees how it destroys the human heart, yet he cannot help but hold on to it.
评分really patriarchal, but the best thing about Yates is that he shows the cruelty of patriarchy and masculinity by occupying that position. He sees how it destroys the human heart, yet he cannot help but hold on to it.
评分really patriarchal, but the best thing about Yates is that he shows the cruelty of patriarchy and masculinity by occupying that position. He sees how it destroys the human heart, yet he cannot help but hold on to it.
评分我个人更喜欢Salter的Light Years. 而且我知道为什么了。Salter的书是一宫式体验。Yates的书二宫式体验。
Young Hearts Crying 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书