莫欣·哈米德(1971— ),齣生於巴基斯坦第二大城市拉閤爾,後進入美國普林斯頓大學主修公共與國際事務,畢業後入哈佛大學法學院深造,一九九七年獲得法律博士學位。之後在紐約曼哈頓的財務管理公司擔任管理顧問。現居倫敦。
二○○○年齣版處女作《蛾煙》(Moth Smoke),獲得貝蒂·特拉斯剋奬並入圍美國筆會海明威文學奬,被《紐約時報》選為年度好書。二○○七年齣版《拉閤爾茶館的陌生人》,入圍布剋奬最終決選。
"If a book had to be praised for its merits in defining the anxieties of our post-9/11 society, then Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist would be the one to win" --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
"I read Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist with increasing admiration. It is beautifully written - what a joy it is to find such intelligent prose, such clarity of thought and exposition - and superbly constructed. The author has managed to tighten the screw of suspense almost without our being aware it is happening, and the result is a tale of enormous tension. I read a lot of thrillers - or rather I start reading a lot of thrillers, and put most of them down - but this is more exciting than any thriller I've read for a long time, as well as being a subtle and elegant analysis of the state of our world today. I was enormously impressed" --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
"An elegant, artful, haunting novella - a deceptively simple narrative that is in fact deeply ambiguous" --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
"From the start, I was gripped...There's an almost delightful allegorical symmetry to the flow of events, as well as a sensuousness and finish that might belong to some other form of art: music, perhaps...Hamid manages marvellously well in creating a novel that's rendered entirely in terms of the spoken word, and governed by the shape of what's evaded or not uttered" --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
"A fantastic piece of work, superbly considered and controlled, with a lovely stillness and wisdom at its heart"
--This text refers to the Paperback edition.
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羅豫/文 盡管曆史上從來不乏懷有大同理想的人,但“他者”,甚或是“敵人”,常常卻是界定“自我”所必需。在二十一世紀頭幾年中,對於標榜自由、平等、多元化,且素有“熔爐”(Melting Pot)之譽的美國社會,“他者”是個繞不過的話題。《拉閤爾茶館的陌生人》的主人公——...
評分同樣是成長的故事,印巴:不離不棄的兩個孩子,夢醒夢滅中相守。 貧民窟展現瞭破敗的第三世界、美女、金錢和無盡的巧閤。童話世界裏太陽總會升起壞人總會被打敗,王子和公主從此過上瞭幸福美滿的生活…好片是好片,動人的票房收入會不會也有金融海嘯一份功勞。茶館裏...
評分同樣是成長的故事,印巴:不離不棄的兩個孩子,夢醒夢滅中相守。 貧民窟展現瞭破敗的第三世界、美女、金錢和無盡的巧閤。童話世界裏太陽總會升起壞人總會被打敗,王子和公主從此過上瞭幸福美滿的生活…好片是好片,動人的票房收入會不會也有金融海嘯一份功勞。茶館裏...
評分和陌生人閑聊其實很安全,時空、利益都無交集。那要和一個疑似敵人的在一起,就得擔心自己的小命瞭。 莫欣-哈米德試圖玩弄一種獨特的敘事手法,由一方講述,另一方靜默傾聽。《陌生人》的主角成吉思懷揣著失望、憤怒的情緒迴到傢鄉拉閤爾,他已經逐漸蛻變為一個仇視美國的激進...
圖書標籤: 小說 美國 政治 外國文學 英文原版 文學 原版
My identity is fragile
評分My identity is fragile
評分My identity is fragile
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