埃米莉所著《呼哮山莊》是文學史上最具毀滅性的愛與恨奇書,同時被列為世界十大小說名著之一。 英國作傢毛姆曾評論:「這是一本醜陋的書,同時也是一本充滿美感的書,它很可怕,使讀者感到苦惱,卻又寫得那麼有力,充滿瞭激烈的感情」。
呼嘯山莊的主人、鄉紳恩肖先生帶迴一個身分不明的孩子,取名希斯剋裏夫,其視他如已齣及關愛的態度引起長子亨德利的不滿。希斯剋裏夫從懂事起,在他四周便充斥著歧視和嘲弄,這種情形在恩肖先生去世後更變本加厲。神秘消失幾年後,希斯剋裏夫歸來瞭,帶著一顆忿恨的心,一步步地展開復仇的計劃。昔日在四 周欺淩他的人,一個個地被捲入復仇的漩渦中,粉身碎骨。
Heathcliff comes to the brooding mansion of Wuthering Heighths as an orphan child. Cathy is the daughter of the wealthy family that takes him in. They are drawn together from the moment they meet, their love consuming, destructive, and full of desire. They cannot be together, and yet they cannot stay apart. The consequences will haunt generations. This is the chilling story of two people who experience love and all its intense complications. It is a story readers will never forget.
Emily Brontë's only novel, Wuthering Heights remains one of literature's most disturbing explorations into the dark side of romantic passion. Heathcliff and Cathy believe they're destined to love each other forever, but when cruelty and snobbery separate them, their untamed emotions literally consume them.
Set amid the wild and stormy Yorkshire moors, Wuthering Heights, an unpolished and devastating epic of childhood playmates who grow into soul mates, is widely regarded as the most original tale of thwarted desire and heartbreak in the English language.
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這是我第二次讀《呼嘯山莊》瞭。羞愧的講,重讀《呼嘯山莊》並不是因為喜歡,而是因為第一次沒有讀懂。可更令我羞愧的是,第二次,我仍然不懂。 一個關於愛情和復仇,裏麵充滿瞭歌特式的恐怖氣氛的故事。可是在我讀起來居然不疼不癢。是我笨麼?當凱瑟琳和希斯剋裏夫的...
評分從前,以為讀《呼嘯山莊》最好的氛圍,是狂風閃電的暴雨之夜;現在忽然覺得,要在故事錶層的狂野不羈中,品齣最深處的寜靜如水的悲涼,還是要在雪落無聲的鼕夜讀。 呼嘯山莊,其實是一個成長與背叛的故事。 成長本身,就意味著對純美童年的背叛,和對醜陋成人世界的妥協。凱...
評分並不覺得男女主角之愛令人震撼 還什麼愛情的絕唱之類的 似乎這愛多可歌可泣 不過是一個偏激的男人偏激的愛 並沒顯得這愛多偉大 吸引我的不是上一代的故事 雖然他們兩是當之無愧的主角,但那所謂"狂風暴雨"的愛並沒那麼高尚動人或者蕩氣迴腸 這也叫蕩氣迴腸啊 是他之...
評分 評分圖書標籤: Penguin EmilyBrontë 小說 Classics 英語 英國 艾米莉·勃朗特 經典
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