J.K. Rowling is the author of the seven Harry Potter books, first published between 1997 and 2007. The adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermione at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have sold over 500 million copies, been translated into over 80 languages, and made into eight blockbuster films. Alongside the book series, she has written three short companion volumes for charity, including Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which later became the inspiration for a new series of films, also written by J.K. Rowling. She then continued Harry’s story as a grown-up in a stage play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which she wrote with playwright Jack Thorne and director John Tiffany, and which has been playing to great acclaim in theatres in Europe, North America, and Australia.
J.K. Rowling has received many awards and honors for her writing. She also supports a number of causes through her charitable trust, Volant, and is the founder of the children’s charity Lumos, which fights for a world without orphanages and institutions, and reunites families.
For as long as she can remember, J.K. Rowling has wanted to be a writer, and is at her happiest in a room, making things up. She lives in Scotland with her family.
The Ickabog 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
大概没有哪部童话像罗琳的新作《伊卡狛格》这样,充满了谎言、欺凌和杀戮。尽管这是一部童话作品,但是里面的暗黑元素却令人不寒而栗。里面关于孤儿院的描写,让人想起来狄更斯笔下中那些孤苦伶仃、饱受凌辱的孤儿。对于孤儿的关注,似乎是英国文学的一个传统。 某种程度上,罗...
评分 评分——评J.K. 罗琳新作《伊卡狛格》 禹茜茜/文 《伊卡狛格》是J.K.罗琳继《哈利·波特》之后的首部儿童文学作品。《伊卡狛格》在全球范围内进行免费网络连载。J.K.罗琳还将把本书销售获得的版税捐赠给相应的组织,来帮助全世界受到新冠病毒影响的人们。故事的目标读者是7到14岁的...
评分 评分The Ickabog is a fairy tale. But the story that the Cornucopia dynasty failed and reborn again is so real. Similar stories have happened in human history again and again. Let's see how a dynasty is ruined. It has to happen in the dynasty's heyday. The count...
顺便看了一眼评价,一如既往的反感,b瓣读者的一贯风格罢了。J.K Rolling在序言里说,这本书最初开始于Harry Potter创作过程,还给自己的孩子读过一部分,孩子们很喜欢。后来就不了了之。今年疫情期间,大家都有大把时间待在家里,Rolling又重新拾起了这个小说,她的孩子也已经长大,对这个故事还有印象,非常支持她的续写,于是这本小说诞生了。重拾再写本来就是不好处理,感谢Rolling在疫情期间贡献这个故事,给予读者陪伴和些许慰藉。Ickabog的意思是no glory,很适合。如果我有了孩子,我肯定会跟ta讲这个故事。
评分这个三星和我对作者本人及其言行的观感无关,纯粹是对书的评价!本书比起我的预想来要差一些。对我来说,这本书作为童书的话被注入了太多“politics”,作为成人阅读这些ideas又太过简化乃至简陋;所以阅读中一直有种别扭感。但是罗琳再差也差不到哪儿去,应该会有很多小朋友读后能从中学到诚实、勇敢和善良;而且出版前的插画投稿也能激励很多小孩发挥想象,种下一颗艺术的种子也未可知。我非常好奇真正的小朋友们读后会是什么样的感觉?To create a better world for the children 这一点和几年前《the casual vacancy》一脉相承,但《the casual vacancy》读过好几年后再回想,仍能给我带来不小的震撼和反思,就此而言本书远不能及~
评分这个三星和我对作者本人及其言行的观感无关,纯粹是对书的评价!本书比起我的预想来要差一些。对我来说,这本书作为童书的话被注入了太多“politics”,作为成人阅读这些ideas又太过简化乃至简陋;所以阅读中一直有种别扭感。但是罗琳再差也差不到哪儿去,应该会有很多小朋友读后能从中学到诚实、勇敢和善良;而且出版前的插画投稿也能激励很多小孩发挥想象,种下一颗艺术的种子也未可知。我非常好奇真正的小朋友们读后会是什么样的感觉?To create a better world for the children 这一点和几年前《the casual vacancy》一脉相承,但《the casual vacancy》读过好几年后再回想,仍能给我带来不小的震撼和反思,就此而言本书远不能及~
评分顺便看了一眼评价,一如既往的反感,b瓣读者的一贯风格罢了。J.K Rolling在序言里说,这本书最初开始于Harry Potter创作过程,还给自己的孩子读过一部分,孩子们很喜欢。后来就不了了之。今年疫情期间,大家都有大把时间待在家里,Rolling又重新拾起了这个小说,她的孩子也已经长大,对这个故事还有印象,非常支持她的续写,于是这本小说诞生了。重拾再写本来就是不好处理,感谢Rolling在疫情期间贡献这个故事,给予读者陪伴和些许慰藉。Ickabog的意思是no glory,很适合。如果我有了孩子,我肯定会跟ta讲这个故事。
The Ickabog 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书